Not married and friends disowned me

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I began my second trimester yesterday and announced to my friends and family my wonderful news. Since I am not married one of the girls from church is treating me like I have just murdered someone. My baby is my blessing and not a sin. I want to speak to the pastor as now I don't feel welcome in church. Any advice?


  • THat is crap. If they were real, they'd be there for you. Ask her how it feels to cast the first stone being so perfect? I'm sorry you're going through this. Talk to your pastor, I know you'd be welcome at my church!
  • I don't have any good advice for you, but like you said your baby is not a sin. Maybe the act that created the baby can be looked at as a sin since you are not married, but that is now in the past and it definitly isnt the baby's fault. This girl must think she is a saint if she is going to judge you on this, we are all sinners! I would maybe talk to the pastor, at our church we tend to come around people in need of support not shun them.
  • OMG! I hate people like that. church people can be the worst. my father is a pastor and they treat me some kind of way too. I had my first 3 son's and wasnt married and now i'm married and pregnant with a lil girl but they dont approve of the man i married! they r never f'in satisfied. If they judge you then I say find another church. Thats why I just turn on BET and have church at home!!!
  • At the catholic church it is a sin to have sex or live with someone and not be married by the church the court don't count but I'm not married only by common law n my church is fine with it were baptizing our sons next months the only ones who have to b married by church are the godparents (haha)
  • Yes we all r sinners even if our parents were maried by church we r born with the ORIGINAL SIN the reason y we baptize our babies at church
  • You ppl are fucked babysitter are born 100% inocent they never did anything to be half drowned for and yes I've been to a baptism and that's what they did
  • *Babys
  • Dont get me started..I'm catholic but not very religious (I don't go to church on a reg. basis therefore I'm going to hell!)...I know what I believe and in no way shape or form would I agree that it makes u a bad person! I'm on my 2nd child, not married yet, and living in sin! Oh my, right!! Just got into a heated discussion w/my dad last night about marriage, and baptism. My fiance is lutheran so according to my father his sister cannot be the godmother b/c she's not catholic! That's what angers me, you're (meaning the church and my family) telling me what I can and can't do instead of focusing on teaching the word of God! There are too many rules that I don't agree w/yet I'm still expected to follow them b/c this is how I was raised..according to my fam ily!
  • @jessm24 Wow, that was highly unnecessary .....
  • @jessm24 Idk what kind of church you went to where they submerge the baby, but at mine they just sprinkle water on the childs head. I'm Presbyterian.
  • I'm really sorry to hear that =( I would try to talk to your pastor and see if they can make you feel better about it. God still loves you and expects others to do the same even if you have sinned... that's why we have the miracle of repentance! Nobody is perfect and a good friend should be supporting you right now. I hope you can still go to church for yourself, regardless of the bad attitude others have. Take care and congrats!
  • edited May 2011
    @jessm22 Also, you don't baptize a baby, you christen it by sprinkling water on it. Not "half drowning" it. Baptism is done when they grow up and ask to be baptized which also does not involve being half drowned. Just so ya know.
    @mommyforever Yes you're right about that. It's called "christening". :)
  • @aandk1031 oh yeah! I forgot the difference. I'm a terrible Presbyterian lol
  • @AandK1031 What is unnessasary is ppl telling me my daughter is going to hell cause she's not baptized she never did anything to anyone she is an angel compared to the ppl who tell me that crap she's never stolen cheated lied anything but she's goin to hell cause she's not baptized? That ain't right
  • Haha!! No I just remember because my mom got out the christening gown for me to use with the baby! It's been in our family for years. @mommyforever
  • I know what they did to my brother the dunked a 4 month old
  • I'm not sure who you have been talking to but they are very poor examples of Christians, if that. That is part of some denominations doctrine but I am non-denominational and believe strictly in the Bible. You don't need to blame all of a religion for a few bad apples, that's what it sounded like you were doing. @jessm22
  • @aandk1031 Aww, that's so cool! I wish my family did that now "!
  • What kind of church was this?? That is not standard practice.
  • Im catholic n go to a catholic church, if that were the case (having kids n not married) more than 3/4 of that church would be empty lol just saying! Im not married n im prego now, my mom is a really religious mexican woman n I thought she was going to let me have it (talk shit) but nope, shes my mother n never ever critized me for not being married, even though she would've loved for me to get married first :)
  • @aandk1031 it was some backwards backwater church out in hicksville and I'm not blaming religion I just don't see why my daughter is going to hell cause she's not baptized but the guy who raped my friend isint cause he is baptized and confessed so he gets away with it that shits not right
  • It's also not true. You go to Heaven by turning from a life of sin and making your life a relationship with Christ, trying to be like Him and asking forgiveness for your sin and turning from it. You don't get a free pass just by being baptized and you don't get denied just for not being baptized. God knows your heart. That's what gets you to heaven. @jessm22
  • Hmm I wonder what people think about me then I am Atheist.
  • To atheist I say "if you believe there is no god, well you better hope you're right."
  • I'm with you @sheila303 and I have good reason to doubt I've had religion shoved down my throat since I can rember. Everyone saying god dose things for a reason well I find it hard to believe that if anyone knew that a murder a rape a violent crime of any kind were goin on they wouldn't try to stop it and not to mention the wars fought cause one religion thought it was better than the others I'm sorry but if you could stop war and crime wouldn't you?
  • You seem so angry and bitter... I'm so sorry you feel that way. Just know when or if you change your mind God is waiting. :)
  • @jessm22 and @sheila303 I pray that you find Jesus, because once you give you your life over to god its amazing. God performs miracles everyday but only to people who accept him.
  • I am a religious girl and live my God and believe Jesus is my Lord but I have seen such hate and hipocrisy in the church (my church folks are some of the worst) that I can't go anymore. I pray, read my Bible and have study sessions in my home with my kids but I refuse to be with the folks that act so self righteous. I am not saying all church goers are that way but in my experience, they were NOT examples of how I should be living my life. I understand everyone sins but when some folks don't see their own sin and yet point out other's?? That's not Christian. Just my opinion.
  • @Jessm22 Yeah its just such a hard subject and people get so angry and offended. but the truth is I have never believed and never had any experience with religion I am actually the on atheist I know besides my fiance (He was hard to find lol). I am only 22 and am in no way an angry atheist.. my grandmother died a terrible slow death of throat cancer and I find it hard to believe thats the way "God" wanted her to go. @mommyforever Thanks but I don't have to hope I know I am right death may come but peace I've already found. I hope I didn't offend anyone.
  • edited May 2011
    @sheila303 everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I believe that My soul will go to heaven and I will have everlasting life, thanks to my savior Jesus Christ who died on the cross for me, and YOU. It's up to you what you chose to believe(: I'm not offended, And I hope I'm not offending you..sorry if I am
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