do you also get the worst..

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Cramps!? It's 10:50 and I'm crying cause I got the most random and hurtful leg cramps :/ do u get them too? I usually have them in my calfs


  • I have not but have heard this is normal. My yoga insturctor says if this happens stretch before bed. That should help. Good luck. I recommend taking yoga for anyone who is pregnant. I am 27 weeks and have had hardly any pain! And currently have NO pain! Good luck and maybe just stretch once a day!
  • Thank you! @ta2edblondie hell yeah they hurt! I was crying and it wouldn't go away but its all good now :)
    @steeny sometimes ill stretch and I could feel the cramps coming so I'm like nooo! Nevermind haha
  • I think it could also be potasium deficiency. But I am not 100% sure on that. I would say eat a banana and drink lots of water because it could be dehydration problem as well. Also if you stretch on a regular basis it will help too. Remember stretching doesn't have to hurt and shouldn't just a light stretch so you can feel it is just fine.
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  • thanks guys! Ive been craving mashed potatoes too :p haha but its jst that ut hurt so bad and it wasn't going away it was terrible but thanks
  • I hate charlie horses.
  • That's another name for it right? @Kcantu2
  • Either way they hurt like hell D: haha
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