Omg bottom of my stomach like itches all the friends tell me its safe to scratch if I want stretch its safe to rub cuz I have been doing so...
Your tummy's probably dry or your skin just stretching I would just put some lotion on it that might help but I don't think if you scratch or u don't you'll get stretch marks if your meant to have them you'll get them I don't think there really is a way to prevent stretch marks I mean I've already have had three children going on four and am 22 and have stretch marks I didn't scratch I rubbed but still got them and I didn't gain alot of weight but I think if u rub them it'll be okay I think u should do whatever makes them feel better and I hope your one of those lucky people who don't get stretch marks I hoped that helped
Mine has been itching like crazy too so don't feel bad. Lol. And I scratch mine. I can't stand the itching! And after I scratch I lather it with cocoa butter. Makes the itching stop and I've just been told it helps prevent stretch marks.
Agree its probably your skin starting to stretch. Use cocoa butter lotion but some women get stretch marks anyway. Drinking lots of water will also help prevent stretch marks it makes the skin more elastic. Word of advice..if you do get stretch marks..don't scratch friend actually got her stretch marks infected by doing that, she was a mess lol didn't even know that was possible lol I also hear stretch marks can be hereditary? If your mom or sisters got them you have a higher chance of getting them as well. Not sure on that one but that's what a nurse told me. Good luck to all with your lil ones!