Signs of true LABOR

edited February 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 41 wks just saw my dr today and Im 2 cm and very tight. I feel like im having contractions, strong cramps, and tightening. Im schedule to be induced thursday. But I dont know if this is false labor or what. Can you tell me how I know im in labor?


  • Basically what does it feel like how long should I wait? Ive been timing it for about an hr and a half and the pain keeps coming and going. Should I call my dr or keep on timing it?
  • The contractions come and go and get stronger with time. False labor never gets any stronger. Call your Dr and when they get about 5 mins apart, time to head to the hospital! Congrats and good luck!!!!
  • I dont know if theyre getting stronger or not but its all been painful. Thanks congrats to you too
  • You should probably give your Dr a call just so they know and can be prepared if you go in today. Make sure your bag is packed and ready. Best of luck. It's so exciting!
  • Thanks appreciate all the help. I just hope its not false labor dont wanna waste their time . I dont feel so excited right now. But im sure after I will be ;)
  • Also walking wont help with true labor. So if you walk around and the pain doesn't ease up then its probably the real thing. With true labor you will also feel the contractions in your lower back moving around to the front. This is a personal question but have you lost your mucus plug?
  • Btw are braxton hicks contractions painful?
  • They can be but walking should help ease it.
  • Yea when I walked to the bathroom just now it still hurt. It doesnt go away when I walk. When I lay down or sit up I still feel cramps and tightening. Im standing up right now and its still pain
  • Go to the er n they will check up oyt to be sure n if u r they contact ur doc for u
  • I think this might be the real thing but dr told me earlier today I was only at 2 cm...hmmm what would u do?
  • Okay thanks so much
  • Don't ever feel like your wasting their time. It's their job to help you and make sure you and the baby are ok. You know your body and if you feel pain and discomfort you need to call or go in.
  • Ugh went to their answering machine. I hope they get back to me soon. Can u go into labor at 2 cm?
  • Yea. With my son I went to the hospital and was only 2-3cm. My contractions were very strong and close.
  • So u didnt have to get induced right? Did baby come out that day?
  • You can go into labor at 0cm hun. What you are dilated to doesn't really make any difference before. How far apart are the pains? If they are between 5 and 10 minutes apart and consistent for an hour, you can just call your labor and delivery and let them know you are coming. Even if they aren't, you could call up there now and talk to a nurse to see if they think you should come in and get checked. False labor usually isn't consistent and doesn't stay very long. Good luck and congrats!
  • Unfortunately for me I was in labor for 23 hours, wouldnt dilate past 6cm and had to have a c section.
  • Yes, of course! I went to my midwife @ 3cm because I wasn't sure & the hospital was 25 min from our house & she could tell I was in labor right away... oh, and if they keep getting stronger when you lie down for a while, its real.
    Grab a pen & paper & a watch, and write down the length & severity of each one as well as length between them. Mine were never regular, but I saw enough of a pattern to knoww it was real. Good luck!
  • Keep us updated!
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