anyone preggers with a toddler

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 13 weeks 4 days preggers & I have a overly active 3 yr old son that can not sit still for 5 min sometimes its so stressful & I seem to get mad at every lil think its hard because hea always getting into trouble there anyone else dealing with the same problem...?


  • I'm due august 9th, have a 3yr old boy and a 18month old girl, they are both so active and wild, I try to cuddling with them when my mood is not wanting to go insane lol. They know I love them, so when I overact about them eating my cookies, its all good! Lol
  • I am 18 wks with two very busy toddlers. By the time they go to bed I could pass out
  • i also have a toddler whos 2 and a 5 year old. as much as i love them i cnt wait
    4 bed time as im so tiredwat the mo its rediculous!
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  • that so cute!
  • I have a 2 year old & a 4 year old almost 3 & 5 I am very blessed they are such angels most of the time & keep each other occupied.
  • I have a 13 month old and 23 weeks pregnant! I chase her around everywhere....needless to say I've gains 2lbs so far! Lol
  • Im about 7 weeks preg n I have an 11 month old!
  • @momofthree...our kids are the same age! When are you due with #3? I have two girls now. #3 is a boy due in July....i feel bad for him already
  • @mama_underpants sometimes times are hard especially when I was supposed to be on bed rest running after him was hard ...I tell him I love him and let him know even though I'm at the point of pulling out my hair that I love him so much!!!
  • I have a 3 yr old daughter and a 3 yr old step-daughter and I'm 16 wks pregnant. My daughter is loving the idea of having another baby....only she constantly demands for me to "let the baby come out so she can see" lol. My husband still hasn't told his daughter...we'll see how that goes, shes not one to share her dad X_X
  • @Aww how cute my son
  • I have a three year old daughter and she is a handful she wont sit for 5 minutes and I'm 9 weeks pregnant... but she has became way more attached to me since pregnant! She is always looking for me. Which is kind of cute
  • @2girls1boy cool 4 year old son, 2 year old girl and this one is a me and my daughter are out numbered...:)
  • I have a 4 yr old boy a 2 yr old boyand I am due march 28 with another boy
  • My son seems to only want me the only words that come out of his mouth is mommy not daddy so I'm up doing everything for him ...
  • Yes im 28wks i have a boy he'll b 2 saturday he talks all day lol n i cnt gt any sleep
  • Im 30 weeks with a overly hyper 2 year old boy...he gets into everything
  • @loving_my_unborn yes that's how I feel w my three yr old can't sleep always up and grumpy...its bad because I feel bad for feeling that way and acting Like that w my son
  • I'm 23 weeks n have a 3 yr old I'm single her dad watches her while I work but I am a supervisor of a group home for autistic kids so I don't really get a break from children lol I'm happy so see that I have remained pretty active with kids at work n my daughter at home cause I've only gained 11 lbs but with my other pregnancy I gained 30 by this are the best but I feel bad for my daughter cause I have to have patience with kids at work otherwise I get fired but usually run out of patience when I get home.....I love my boogie though she's the best and so appreciative of everything very blessed to have her
  • edited February 2011
    I totally get what your going through I have a five,four,and two year old,and currently 30 weeks pregnant. They drive me crazy always fighting and running around. Sometimes i just want to pull out my hair. But at the end of the day you just got to take a deep breath and breathe.
  • I am 26 have 3 boys 1 girl ages 8 4 5 2 ....its hard but there are days I wana pull my hair out...then days the kids act like angles..thank goodness for my boyfriend...he helps so much
  • Im dealing wit da exact same prblm. My son will b 2on March 24 n im 22wks preggo due June 8. He gets n2 so much dat I feel lik im goin crazi. Ugh idk wat ima do wit him
  • I have 2 sons, they are 2 and 4. I am due march 7th with my 3rd boy. my 2 year old is so defiant! He is constantly testing me! By the end of the day my whole body aches, my throat is sore, and my head is pounding! But I love my little boogie, and he can't wait to be a big brother! :)
  • I'm 10 weeks with 2 girls. 3yrs and 7 months. I'm just a ball of anger
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  • I have a 2 year old girl and a 10 month old girl and I'm 16 weeks. With cooking scrambled eggs for them and making bottles and sippys and lunches and one screaming during nap time to wake the other one up back and forth for 2 hours and then hubby comes from work at 6 we eat dinner then baths for the girls then bedtime I'm ready to pass out but at the end of the day I am so happy that I have the life that I do I love my girls and my husband and this little jellybean in my tummy.
  • @Marinesangel exactly like my son I know exactly what your.going threw try n hang in there .....I try to I know its hard
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  • I was there once accually oldest and middle son are only 11months apart..then my ,middle and youngest are 13 months apart.....mannn those were tough times...i dont know how I made it through advise is accept all the help you can get...and make sure you get some alone relaxing time.Good luck:)
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