34 weeks and my baby is 5lbs13oz

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
Hi all, I am a little new to this posting/discussion stuff, but I do every now and then come in and read posting and discussions. I went to the doctor and he told me my daughter to be is 5lbs 13oz and they may have to induce me :-). I am excited about that but a little worried too. I am only 34 weeks in. What is a new mommy to think?


  • i say thts just an estimate give or take an lb.. i say dont induce im patite woman and i pushed a 9 lber no prob. i just dont like the invasivnss.. and inducing before your baby is actually ready.. the dr are doing too much too early
  • At 34 weeks my baby boy was 5ibs 12oz but they havent induced yet. Im 38w 1day and see the dr tom. I need another u/s for his weight.
  • that sounds normal. i had a measurment ultrasound today- I'm 33 w 3 day and he's weighing 4 lbs 10 ounces :) feels like i got a 44 pounder in my tummy!
  • Well I kinda hope they do/don't induce I mean I am really excited or overly excited about see my little lady but I would hope they would wait at least until I am 37 or 38 weeks before they do. I am kinda on psych mode about it.
  • i know what u mean i want my baby to come so bad i don't want to wait lol sometimes i wish my dr would just set a date but mostly i don't want to be induced because i want to experience actually going into labour in my own when I'm least expectung it you know? plus iv heard that sometimes inducing labor can make it longer and harder.
  • My baby was 5lbs 13oz also at 34 weeks the tech even took his measurements twice . My doctor is inducing me on the 23rd of May , just a week early (my actual due date was May 29th) Im not getting induced because babys a lil big
    Its because I have hbp.
  • I'm 38 weeks and my baby is 9 pounds. And my doctor is making me wait it out she's going to end up like 11 pounds.
  • At 32 weeks my baby was 4' 13" and at 36 weeks she was 8 lbs. I have gestational diabetes though, so we knew she could be big. Dr said he would induce at 39 weeks if I haven't had her yet, that's 9 days from today!!! Hoping to have her on my own though, I really, really dont want pitocin!!!
  • I've learned through birthing class that many women have 10 lb babies and are ok. But that what Drs give is only an estimate and can never be right on. One of my friends was told at 35 weeks her baby was 10 lbs and needed an emergency csection ... when she had it, hee baby was 6 lbs and now 5 wks early.. I'm trying to be careful with csections because I know that Drs get more money for those so I want mine to come out on her own if possible. :) good luck! Is there a date they gave you?
  • Im 35wks and 3 days and my doll weigth is 5.60lbs. and the doc say she was perfect for the time and im a petite women just 5'1" and im 126lbs. but he told that diferent when u have the baby it could be more or less dont let them induce u wait until ur baby born everything would be ok...good luck!!
  • @babycomingsoon143, no haven't been given a date yet, but had to go to the doctor today for on going ligament pain, my little joy is starting to get the best of me these days. WHOO!!!! Will be glad when she gets here, because all of this pain and what not is making me over react LOL. Thanks ladies for all the information that you all are giving, at least I know I am not the only first timer mom that is being a bit worried about her angel. :-)
  • I'm 34 weeks and 6 days and my baby girl is 6lbs "estimate" I'm having my baby 1 week early for medical reasons. I wish I could have her at 37 weeks.
  • Im 35weeks+2days and my baby weighs 6lbs3oz but my doctor wont induce unless its for medical reasons
  • Im 34wks and baby is measuring at 5lbs 8oz and is in the 72%. My last sono was 4wks ago and he measured at 3lbs 8oz. Im hoping w/only 6wks left he doesn't put on more than 2more lbs. Kinda freaked out but no one has said anything about me needing to be induced early.
    Good luck!
  • Im 29 weeks my baby weighs 3.9 lbs hopefully she dont grow too much still got a lil while to go ...:)
  • My doctor tells me she can't tell how much my baby weighs!! How do u guys kno?! How do ur doctors tell? I really wana kno !!
  • I'm 32 weeks my babygirl is 4lbs
  • @adriansmommy when they did my 34 week ultrasound on the ultrasound machine when the tech is showing you head size and other baby parts there is a reading in one of the corners that gives I guess an estimated weigh of your baby, but you have to pay very close attention to it. I saw it and the tech told me while she was measuring the babies head. I guess it depends on what type of ultrasound machine they have.
  • Oh Idk when I g3t another ultrasound, but thank you!!
  • Im 34 weeks 3 days. Baby is already 6lbs 10 oz and still have 30 days to go...
  • At 29 weeks baby was 4lbs 5oz. Im 33 weeks today and have another ultrasound at 36 weeks
  • Im 31 wks and my baby is already 5 lbs ...hes gonna be big...
  • Im 35 weeks ab had a scan today my baby weighs 7lb 8oz!!!
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