Am i pregnant?

edited February 2011 in November 2011
So my last period was Nov.19, 2010
Me and my hubby been trying to have a baby
for the longest. A while back I thought I was pregnant because I missed a period but the next month I got it. So that's what I think might happen. But in this case I've missed more thne 1 period. I really want to take a test but scared it'll come out false like before. I don't want to get my hopes up. I feel like I could be pregnant but then maybe its all in my head...


  • I know how u feel same here have not had a period since Dec third read my forum topic see if u can relate n e more to what I've been going threw :)
  • If this isn't your first missed period then most Likly you could be pregnant ...but you will never know till you take a test !!!! Hopefully it comes out postive I wish you luck and keep us updated !!! My fingers are crossed _!!!! Have u had any signs u mite be(besides missing the period?)another thing I was told not sure of its true but i heard that if you think bout mybe being preggers that you could be making yourself have some signs or because of the stress you could miss periods...but take a test !!!
  • You have had 3 missed periods, you will be able to test now for sure and easily get a clear result. You are probably pregnant. As most women miss 1 period and take a test and know then. If you are pregnant you need to get checked because you should be on vitamins for over 2 months now and had your first appointment and ultrasound. Take a test. Best of luck! :)
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  • Thanks everyone. I know I really should take one so if I am I could make an apt.
    I'm just scared that itll come out negative. I've been wanting this for so long. I hope I am. I never missed this many periods.
    The only signs I've had were head aches here and there. Ill get dizzy a lot. But all I want and do is sleep. Even when I've slept a long time I just want to sleep. And I eat way more then I ever did
  • @nessa_ttc
    thanks ill go check it out.

    Yea I've heard that also
    That women can make their selves have pregnancy symptoms and I know stress can delay your period but could it do that for 3 months straight?

    I had some spotting back in Dec it was super light and only lasted a day. So idk
  • @nessa_ttc
    thanks ill go check it out.

    Yea I've heard that also
    That women can make their selves have pregnancy symptoms and I know stress can delay your period but could it do that for 3 months straight?

    I had some spotting back in Dec it was super light and only lasted a day. So idk
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  • 3 months straight no not that i know of but were u on any kind of birth control before this ?? Because before getting pregnant w my first son I was on the drop shot and got off was off for about a couple of months and my periods were crazy three months i woulnt get a period and then one month i would it was wired but take a test and let me know best of luck
  • OK. Ill probably get a test after work
    no never took any kind of birth control in my life. Ill be 20 in may. I've been with my hubby for 4 1/2 years.
  • Keep us updated and good luck to u, hubby and hopeful baby!!
  • Did you take a test yet??? We are all dying to know!!! Lol
  • Oh my!! The suspense!! Lol I wanna know too!! Good luck!
  • I get my tests from the dollar store so that I can take multiple. They're the same ones the doctors use in their office. Missed periods are more common than you think, BC would straighten that out, however if your TTC id suggest temping, it'll really help you understand your body more and maybe you'll start seeing a pattern. My period is every 35 days and every 3 months its 45 but I ALWAYS ovulate in between.
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  • Still waiting! Lol
  • I'm anxious to know
  • Sleepy all the time means u might be preggo. Fingers crossed.
  • I had what i thought was preg symptoms. Missed three periods in a row. Neg tests all the time. Had to take a pill to get my period. Found out a few weeks later that I needed my gall bladder removed. Problems with the gall bladder mimic pregnancy symptoms. It was really a let down for me. Now here we are less than a year later expecting our first! I really hope things work out for you sweetheart. The not knowing is terrible.

  • Ok its been a month.. Did you take the test? What was the outcome? Is everything ok?
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