Stomach Bug :o(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I have been vomiting and had diarrea (?) All day. I can't hold anything down. Is this bad for the baby? I will be 13 weeks tomorrow.


  • I went through the same thing a couple days ago minus the diarrhea. My bf forced me to go to the hospital and they ended up keeping me overnight. Thankfully it was just a 24 hour bug. I would definitely at least call ur doctor if ur not feeling better.. Its not good for u or the baby if u cant keep anything down. Good luck!
  • @ Heather58824....Thanks for the advice, just saw that there was a response to my post. That was the worst thing ever to fell that way and know lil man was sooo hungry
  • I just got over it myself. It was AWFUL! I had diharrea for one day, but vomiting for a week. I lost 10 lbs in 3 days. I put myself on a clear liquid diet as it was the only thing I could eat and it didn't taste horrible when it came back up....powerade, chicken broth, jello, cranberry juice, and some crackers. My doc told me fluids were the mist important would be ok with out food for a couple days. Just stay hydrated and watch for a fever. Feel better soon!
  • Thanks!
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