To much pink!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
It might just be me but is anyone else who is expecting a baby girl sick of nothing but pink for her to wear. I have always hated the color pink, even as a young girl, and I decided with my first pregnacy that I will never dress any girl of mine in ONLY pink. I have found a few purple or yellow girl clothes but mostly it is all covered with butterflies, flowers, little princess crowns or sickenly cute hearts on it. It is like valentines day threw up all over the clothes for baby girls. It's only pink, purple and white for girls where boys get every other color and every other design. I tried to look for animals other then kittens or butterflies and they all said something like "tough boy" "king of the jungle" or other blantently "I'm a boy" descriptions.

Well I figured I would get around this and just buy her neutral/darker colors, and I informed anyone who said they wanted to get somthing for her of this desision and I have recieved nothing but critizism, and so far the only things anyone has gotten her is the same sugary cute unicorn vomit! I normally just grin and bear it thank them then go and return/exchange what is just over the top for me but what is it about "please keep the pink to a minimum and go with more neutral colors/designs" that people don't seem to understand?

I was told by a compleate stranger while I was out clothes shopping for her and buying her boy's pants that I was going to be a bad mother for not getting the ones with "sweetie" written on the butt. First off, nothing "sweet" comes out of a babys butt, and second mind your own flipping business if I want to dress my girl in blue jeans, a dark blue top and flop a bow on her head to show she is a girl then so be it!

I have found plenty of clothes online that I like that are made for girls but are not overly girly but they cost almost $20 for a simple creeper. I don't have that kind of money. So I have resorted to buying plane white ones and dying them darker colors, adding patches to them or stencling on designs myself and sewing my own clothes for her.

Anyone else having this issue or is it just me?


  • I agree...I'm not sure what I'm having yet but my husband and I refuse to dress the baby in the traditional colors (pink=girl blue=boy) so I've been buying a lot of greens, yellows, browns Etc

    I hate that everything for boys have to do with sports or trucks. I buy frogs and monkey stuff
  • My friend from work brought her baby girl in one day with black n white striped leggings, a lime green shirt and a black headband with a black bow on it and she was the cutest thing I've ever seen...I agree I do like pink but I like hot pink or dark pink not baby pink so much...and babies don't need words on their butts either lol
  • Blue also looks lovely on a nt gonna put my girl in pink all the time .neither wil her rm b pink .iv gt a cute black and white baby grow from when my son was born that she will b wearing
  • I agree. I hated the baby pink when my daughter was born and when we had her baby shower, I asked ppl not to get pink cuz I knew everyone would. I still ended up with some and it wasn't so bad. I don't mind it now so much if its a hot pink or something. That's awesome that you've been making the clothes for her that fit your taste.
  • Pink iz my favorite color but i refuse 2 put it on my daughter wen she makes her big debut. Evry1 thnk dat its bcuz iz a gurl she shuld wear pink but dat iz so untrue. Ive bought purple, red, green, yellow, etc clothng. Iz jus as cute as pink. Besides pink doesn mke our kiddies look good, our kiddies mke pink look good.
  • I agree. I'm not a pink person. I don't mind purple, or yellows, but at the same time, the kids too young to know whats going on. Wanna dress them in boy clothes...? Go for it! Haha :)
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Both my mother and mother in law have been buying her nothing but pink things, because they are close family I don't want to seem ungrateful. I thought my mother was going to cause a scene at target when I put the blue tub into my cart and not the Disney princess one. I got off the hook by pointing out the huge price difference, but honestly what infant is going to care?
  • I'm with ya! I am on girl #2 and it seems even harder to find stuff this time that doesn't look like a bottle of pepto spilled all over it. I can only find super boy stuff or pink crap! Then there is the issue of skimpy summer girl stuff. Its like the makers of these clothes are like "18 year olds wear it at the club, so why shouldn't a baby". Really?!?! I'm not a "girly girl" and niether is my daughter (thank goodness). Good luck!
  • I think making your own baby clothes is the way to go, boy or girl. A lot of the stuff for sale is just crap. I worked at toys r us and everytime I went to the clothes section, I thought, who would put their kids in these clothes?! Some were cute, like the baby snow suit onesie with fur around the hood. I plan on redecorating, knitting, and sewing my own baby stuff once I find out what I'm having. Its a good way to pass time and get you excited for the baby :) I saw an iron on transfer of a skull and crossbones with "Argh! Wipe me booty!" On the front at Joann fabrics. Its never too early for skulls ;)
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