Speaking of hairdressers, who here is one?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Who all here does hair? Boothrenters? What are your plans for leave? Is anyone expecting twins? How are you handling standing all day? Have you had any trouble with chemicals? Any other concerns or stories hairdresser-related?


  • I am :) I'm on commission...I'm only 9 weeks so I don't have any trouble standing yet, but I am always exhausted...and when I'm moody I just do not feel like listening to peoples issues or catering to them lol none of my clients know yet I'm gonna wait another month or so before I tell them...I'm nervous for some reason lol
  • I am 9 weeks also so standing hasn't been an issue. I am booth rent so I make my own schedule which is great. I've been so tired so I started marking out half hour slots thru out the day where I can just do nothing. Chemicals haven't bothered me I try not to breathe it in when im mixing color. I get 4 weeks of leave without boothrent but I will probably take 8 or 9 weeks and I will come back to work part time if that... only thing I cannot do is the brazilian blowout. When another stylists are doing one I just stay sway from that area and try and get fresh air. What are your plans for leave @manumittere? Are you booth rent?
  • I'm a booth renters and I'm 6 wks pregnant with my second child. I was very luck not to have to pay rent for the weeks I was out. I worked till I was 39 wks. I salon had major swelling but no big issues. I'm hoping this pregnancy is as easy as the first. It is hard to go with out work or money the weeks your out so save save save.
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