@Starkrayzie I'm from Rochester Hills but moved out on my own to Pontiac now and I'm 31 weeks having a boy so excited just going crazy ready for him to get here how far along are u I'm actually moving to Waterford when my lease is up lop
@ZekesMommy I've lived in Waterford for 26 years. We actually bought a house in Pontiac 3 years ago but we're still not finished fixing it up so we're moving into our apartment Saturday.
How many kids do you have & how far along are you? I'm 27 & this is our 3rd. We have a 5 year old daughter, 14m old son & this lil girl will be here in July.
I'm 22 this is my first and I'm due July too on the 4th we're really excited just waiting for baby shower so we can know wat we still gonna need when in July are u due
Wow lol me to on the 28th we doing a big bar b que at my parents house I can't wait lol we killing two birds with one stone by having it that day plus we know everyone will show up cause we always have a annual bar b que for memorial day
That's funny. I'm really excited too. I was always the one havin bbq's & bonfires but when we move into our place tmrw I won't be able to anymore so I'm bummed about that.
How many kids do you have & how far along are you? I'm 27 & this is our 3rd. We have a 5 year old daughter, 14m old son & this lil girl will be here in July.