Pregnancy Fears After Suffering A Miscarriage kind of long

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Hey ladies I kinda just need to vent I need Support and prayers . I had to have a d&c back on November 1st babys heart stopped at 9 weeks no signs that anything went wrong, I went to my appointment was supposed to be like 13 weeks :( measured at 9 :( , now I'm 13 weeks and 5 days pregnant. At the beginning of this pregnancy around 6 weeks I had heavy spotting n bleeding I thought I was loosing my baby,but I prayed n did my best to stay calm now everythings been going good I'm just so scared to have it all taken away from me again its so hard I'm not due until November 3rd I prayd all the time for this baby and my prayers were answerd . I just can't go through that pain again I'm so scared please keep us in your prayers. I do have a fetal heart monitor which helps but I don't really like to make my self obsess n keep using it every 5 seconds I know god has his reasons for everything. N everything happens for a reason and if its gunna happen it will happen , I just need prayer and some encouraging words and to know what some of you did to get through pregnancy after suffering a loss . Thanks


  • I feel your pain. I had one in october and now iam 6 weeks which is the same time last time when the baby stopped growing so iam paranoid it will happen again. Where did you get your heart rate monitor
  • Try to relax n enjoy ur pregnancy i lost my baby girl sept 09 at 23wks the lil girl i had dreamed of it was the hardest thing ive been thru as a parent u dont think youll have to bury ur child i got pregnant exactly 1 yr later when i was prepared again and i am now expecting a healthy baby boy im 34wks n ill admit i was afraid till i passed my 23 wks it was a relief. I also had heavy bleeding at 11 wks i was terrified but everything was ok. So just enjoy it n hope for the best ur little baby will be just fine. Gl
  • Prayers sent for you sweetie. Honestly, the fears never go away, im not being mean but its true. I went through the same exact thing last mothers day :( I got pregnant again in September and im now 35 weeks 1 day, so please don't give up hope hun!!! I still worry to this day, but I just stay as positive as possible and if I have any routs I take out my fetal Doppler as well. They are amazing reassurances! Don't lose hope hun, stay as positive as possible! :) good luck and congrats!
  • I got it off eBay for 60 dollars they have them cheaper but I did the buy it now so it would get here faster I was so relieved when I got it to hear babys heart beat because my apt was so far away . You only have to be atleast 7 weeks to hear it. You should really get one.
  • Thanks ladies . N wow 23 weeks I cant even imagine , I mean even if your 3 weeks it still hurts but that's a horrible loss
  • Yes it is it was very traumatic especially on my 5yr old son hes very excited about his baby brother but really wanted that baby sister he didnt want to accept the fact that this was a boy but we have talked to him n has changed his mind n very happy now. ;-)
  • Awwww = ) I know when we go through things like this we will really appreciate what we wanted so bad when it happens because we will never forget what we had to go through, It just makes me so mad when these dumb girls have babies and don't even take care of them .a girl I know got pregnant right after I lost my baby and would purposely brag to me about it n she does the dumbest things for attention even faked trying overdose herself she called an ambulance for herself and everything all for attention I can't imagine what shell do to her baby to get attention.
  • I had the same fears. I had a miscarriage at 10 wks, sac was only measuring 7 wks. It was a blighted ovum. That was last June. Then in August I got pregnant again. I was so afraid the entire time. I begged for a 6 wk ultrasound which they gave me, I was so thankful for that. Showed that everything was just fine but I was still afraid of things happening. Even when I was feeling kicks I was still afraid. I've barely started to "relax" about the pregnancy and I'm 38 wks. I sometimes feel bad because I didn't really get to enjoy my whole pregnancy due to fears, which is understandable but I try to tell others not to let fear take away from the joy of the pregnancy. I'm sorry for your loss by the way and I hope you have a great and easy pregnancy. :)
  • Thank you , Things have been good lately which is what scares me I'm so scared of getting excited, I haven't told many people I know the fear will never go away, I just pray I have a healthy baby in the end. I do not want to go through that again.
  • I don't think ill get pregnant again after this, because this is a lot to handle
  • I talk to my baby all the time lol even though he or she can't hear me I just tell it to stay strong for me :)
  • All these posts brought tears to my eyes...yes iam hormonal but it has been a reasurance that just because you have one it doesn't guarantee that you'll have another. I think I will order that doppler ;;)
  • I too sent through mc and ectopic and lost my current baby's twin. I got the heart monitor and it us such a peace of mind!!! Prayers your way!!! I hope you can have some calmness!
  • I fear the same if I get pregnant soon BC of my MC at the end of November/beginning of December. And I think that what you're feeling is fully normal, just keep trying to stay positive and lots of prayers! Seems that you have the big Guy on your side, I will surely pray for a healthy child and peace of mind within. I hope that this is your shining moment and look forward to hearing about the birth of your full term baby!! :) I'm always here if you need to chat about anything, including fears. Try to enjoy your pregnancy!!! Good luck!!!
  • @Mommy2Be777 your story reminds me a lot of mine. On june 13 of 2003 I lost a baby at 6 wks. The heart just stopped beating as well. I was lucky and didn't need a d&c. Well about 3 mths later I got pregnant again. I bled throughout the pregnant and was very scared but I delivered a 9 lb baby boy on june 14 2004. I thought about it later and realized that if I didn't have that miscarriage I wouldnt have my now seven year old son mason. At the time of my miscarriage I didn't understand why it was happening to me but now I do. Theres a reason for everything...:) good luck. I know you will be fine. :)
  • I'm also due nov 3rd and had a miscarriage in jan at 8 weeks. To think I would be 25 weeks pregnant is crazy now just barely 14 weeks. But none the less I worried each time I've had an ultrasound that the baby wouldn't be there or no heartbeat. The miscarriage I most recently had as my 3rd and final cuz I'm all done getting pregnant. Just praying for my healthy lil boy to arrive in october or nov.
  • @mommy2be777 I feel ya! I had a missed mc March 28 @ 9 weeks 5 days and just got a BFP today (after a little over 5 weeks post D&C) Im super nervous and excited cause it happened so quick. I don't want to have to go through that ever again. I'm trying to think positive, but it sure is hard after a loss.
  • Thanks ladies I feel a lot better all we can do is keep praying n doing our best eating right and staying healthy, and yea my baby would have been here may 1st I know the pain will never go away I will always think about how old my baby would be , its like after a loss all you can think about is getting pregnant again, then once your there all you do is worry . Thanks everyone for your kind words and prayers :) I know we can do this !
  • Yea that's very soon, I started trying like 6 days after the d&c which hurt really bad I wanted to be pregnant again so bad, I kept asking god why me but I know now he has his reasons for everything and I wouldn't Change my life for anything because I know god puts us through things so we will learn to Really appreciate things , and I know I will give this baby everything and be the best mom I can be! I'm still alive and made it through it and Im a stronger person. =)
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