Stripping the membranes

edited February 2011 in Third Trimester
Has anyone had their membranes stripped to induce labour. Doctor told me I have the option of having that done next week if I want but I am not sure. Did it work for anyone, and does it hurt to have that done???


  • I did. It didn't hurt and it didn't work for me.
  • It didn't work for me but I know a lot of people it worked for. My doctor did it at 38, 39, and 40 weeks and I was still induced. Lol. It stings a bit but not any type of severe pain. Best of luck!
  • More uncomfortable than anything...
  • How far along so you have to be to ask for it to be done??
  • I will be 38 weeks on thursday, and the doctor said that is when they can strip the membranes.
  • Mine did because my labor was not progressing well... it was slightly painful- mostly just uncomfortable, and it made my labor take off in sharp, rapid contractions that were almost unbearable right away. Ugh.
  • @vette_devil so would you recommend it or no
  • Personally, I would only do it again if it were medically nessecary! Good luck hon! =)
  • I had mine stripped. I wasn't uncomfortable but I'm strange that way. I had my son 2 days later
  • I'm told it feels like getting a pap
  • I had it done. I was already about 5 cm and my doc did it to get things moving. No biggie.
  • I had it done my last pregnancy (11years ago)I was so misrable in the last month of my pregnancy,i was peeing my pants everytime I walked up stairs,coughed,laughed,sneezed,anything...(My son weighed 10lbs) night I had enough I went to the hospital and begged to be induced...they stripped my membranes and sent me home....i stoped at the grocery store on the way home a bought a bottle of castro oil ,plugged my nose and drank the whole thing in the gs parking lot( DO NOT EVER DO is literly crappy)went home had sex,spent hours running to the toliet ,about 3am hard contractions started...gave birth about 2pm.....
  • I had mines done at 38wks just because I told him I'm too hot and uncomfortable cause I'm such a small girl. He checked to see if I was ready and fully developed and did it the same day. I had my son a week later. I say only do it when your child is fully developed and ready.
  • Ummm I don't know for sure if it helps. My doc did it three times with all three of my births and it hurts!! I had a little spotting but nothing changed :/
  • I had it done with my second at thirty nine weeks and at fourty weeks. Felt uncomfortable and didn't work for me. Ended up being induced at fourty two weeks
  • Anything that forces your body to go into labor is going to make things more uncomfortable. Contractions stronger, more intence, usually longer labors cuz again your body is being forced rather then going when its ready. That said, if your late, or really having serious problems and need baby out its an option. everyones body is different, and will react in different ways. I say deal with it as long as you can. Its only days now. Though every day feels like 3 lol I know! My son cracked one of my ribs around 38 weeks, and i was just miserable with my daughter. Couldnt move, couldt sit still ! lol But it will happen!! Hang in there!
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