Young father to be

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am 17 but will be 18 on the 17 of feb. My baby boy is due on april the fouth. I cant wait to become a father! This application is great! Anyone else in my position becoming a premature father ? Or have anything to say haha ?


  • I was 15 when I had my son its hard but u will be able to do it ...congratulations ...and good luck !!!
  • I'm glad to see a young man taking care of his responsibilities.
  • I'm 17 and il be 18 in june, and my baby is due in August! So we are in the same position
  • Haa wow thankyou people :-) and that canny wierd soon2bedaddy its mad though. You prepared much yet and do you know what sex your baby is ?
  • Awww this is too precious makes me wanna squeeze Yall cheeks! I can't wait to tell my husband about Yall Lol sorry its the hormones
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  • edited February 2011
    It is reassuring to know i am not alone! My fiancée goes on a college course with a handfull of young mums and mums to be i havnt had that perk. So this is great for me!
  • Lol Yah I know this app isn't my husbands style.....he has to front like he Mr macho military daddy!
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  • You are so cute!! Happy for you good luck with everything! You seem very mature for only being 17.
  • Aw much obliged :-) thankyou. Lets just say over the last seven month my life has done a U-turn in the right direction. I have changed alot and came a very long way.
  • Awwwwwwwwww.......:'(
  • I love that you only 17 and acting like a man. There so many older than you that don't talk like you. Congrats on becoming a daddy and gl!
  • Wow! It always impresses me to see such a young man so mature for his age. Your lady is very lucky :) Congrats and best of luck!
  • edited February 2011
    We have both matured alot throughout the course. Ohh and we have came to a decision on our sons name tonight. Well one of many haha. We so far are going with malachi layton hunter :-) i really like this it took us a while to find a name that we both love and are tottaly happy with.
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  • edited February 2011
    Thank you everyone!
  • I think so too kat :-)
  • Congrats! I'm hoping I'm having a boy....I'm jealous. Lol
  • Fingers crossed for you then i wanted a boy too as its our first but we both agreed that if we wished for a girl that it would be karma and reverse sociology. I was in the end actually liking the idea of a girl but bwas happy either way and i am getting the little man i wanted. The only reason preffer boy first is so he can be older and protect his younger siblings. Not in the near future though. Want to make the most of our sons up bringing. I am just happy as my partner is that we are going to be our own famiy. And we are blessed with a very strong relationship. :-)
  • Congrats!! It is nice to see a young ready to be a parent. Just be and my husband are in our mid 20s and its hard, but I can tell you will be an awesome father. Boys are great...I have a 2 yr old
  • Yah my husband wants a girl but I can tell its a boy. I'm so glad to know that some young men know that its not cool to be a crappy father. Keep up the good work.
  • Thankyou everyone again. I am off to sleep now early start and a busy day ahead. Thankyou for support its great. And i had a crappy father i dont want that for my children. :-) goodnight everyone.
  • Best of luck and best wishes for having a healthy boy! We are having a boy and he's due April 4 also:-) Congrats again and God Bless
  • Aw thats great ditto to you :-)
  • @shawtysboy my fiancee is @soon2bedaddy and we are both seventeen and will be eighteen when the baby gets here in Aug. Yall should talk(:
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