Soooo over this Pregnancy

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I am so ready to have him. One lady saw me today and asked when was I do I told her June 21 and she was like he coming early. In a way I want him out BBUUTT I kno I really won't get any sleep. Um jus tired of being pregggo!!!!!


  • everyone says mine will come early xcept the midwife lol hmm
  • I'm due June 8 but my c-section is June 1 and this time is dragging. Ugh
  • @bummy87 I kno what u mean. They always push it to the limit.*shrugs shoulders* baby please be on mommy side not the docs or midwife. Lol
  • edited May 2011
    @kcoolzchic I'm scheduled for June 14 for my c section and yes this feel like a year has passed in the last month. Lol. I kno I'm exaggerating but I'm Soo done now.
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