boy or girl over the counter

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone used the boy or girl gender thing from walgreens ...did it work or would u trust it


  • I used it n said boy n ultrasound 2months later conformed a boy.
  • I hear 50/50 it works it doesnt i wana try it !!
  • Mine said boy, won't know for another 4-6 wks
  • Mine said boy and I'm having a boy!
  • I'm definitely getting it...thanks
  • I got one, I will find out in 6wks if it was correct, however-everyone I know who has done it was correct except for one. She shook it instead of swirled it, so she did another&it was correct. Just make sure you follow the instructions EXACTLY! Good luck!
  • I'm 16 wks and just left my appointment... I'm pretty disappointed with my dr cuz he looked as if he didn't even wanna do my ultrasound much less take the time to look for my babys I super wanna buy the store gender test. But need to do my research on it's accuracy first :)
  • I bought it and mine said boy I should find out in a week or two hopefully
    I was on their website and look at somethings and saw its accurate percentage which was like 80%-90% and most of the testimonials were saying they got accurate results when they went to get their ultrasounds
  • How far along do you have to be to do it?
  • -wht is it called???
  • The test is called Boy or Girl and you have to be at least 10wks
  • Is that 10 calendar weeks or lunar weeks?
  • Inteligender is name if test...
  • I want one! But my mom convinced me not to waste 30 dollars on it.... So I wanted to try the drano test n she said that was a waste so idkwat tu du lol
  • Google red cabbage gender test...its supposed to b based on same science as inteligender
  • Omg the draino test is so not safe! N not accurate n neither is the boy or girl test. The reason it wrked for some women its bcuz its a 50/50 chance so of course it can b correct for some n not for others. Its a waste of 40 bucks
  • I took it at 14 weeks with my first pregnancy and it said girl and I had a girl :)
    my friend did on and it said boy and she had a boy :)
    my sister did one and it said girl and she had a girl :)
    Im 5 weeks 5 days pregnant now and plan on doing it again just for fun :) good luck.!
  • My sonographer actually said she has had great results with the inteligender kits...its about 80% accurate n real world cuz people don't follow direction but even ultrasound isn't 100% accurate
  • U can use it 6 weeks after missed period
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