I am truly a bad mom, dont judge me plz
I see ladies post on here "negative" things they are doing or craving during their pregnancy and I feel bad because I wanna laugh. Minus drinking alcohol I am the epitamy of a bad first time preggo and I cannot seem to stop, even at 26 weeks... I feel like my life is so bad I stopped caring, yet this little angel continues to kick away....and in the end, she is all I got.
@jaime77 I do want to change but it is much easier said than done
As for the weed. I smoked with my first until I was about 7 months (I was single, homeless and stressed to the max) and my baby boy was 8lbs 7oz and even gained 2 lbs before he was a whole month. Although I don't agree with the cigarette smoke, I have a few cousins my age that smoked throughout their pregnancies and their babies were fine. Just try as much as you can to get help for YOU and your baby will be fine.
Good luck and God bless.
everyone is so "oh no your baby is ganna come out like this, or its ganna have this, or this can happend" nobody know what is ganna happend with any of their children.
it just depends. shit honestly happends. LO QUE PASO, PASO. whatever happends happends, you can not change it & you can not prevent it. all you can do it help a situation. i wish the best for you ladies trying to quit. its hard! ive beeen struggling with smoking too. i smoked maybe one cigg a week, no lie. i actually just got sick AGAIN so i havent smoked in weeks. & i dont plan on it either till after i stop breastfeeding.