To all my Pregly RNs, LPN/LVN, nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, and student nurses!! We are awesomely creating lives while saving lives!! Lol And don't forget to get your free Cinnabon at Cinnabon tomorrow thru the 12th with work ID or student ID. They do it every year
@lexii_1015 Oops! I'm sorry, I forgot cna's yall are very very important!! Couldn't live without you when I was an LPN! @kcoolzchic of course you're included!!! Happy Nurses Week! :X
pretty much same as Rn but cant do IVs n the rn pretty much tells us what to do 4 the shift, showers, drugs, dressings whatever, can do catheters, bp, all the fun stuff less responsibility
Thanks!! Happy Nurses week to you too! It's funny, none of us nurses at my job even knew it was nurses week until our social workers pointed it out and brought us treats! Obviously we're not feeling any love from management! Ha ha! Are your jobs doing anything to honor you during nurses week?
@kcoolzchic of course you're included!!! Happy Nurses Week! :X
I am also a RN student.