miscarraige :(

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
As I was walking to my first class I felt like I was peeing my pants. I went to the bathroom and it was blood. Nurse told me she thinks I'm having a miscarriage at 12 weeks. Now waiting for the doctor in the my er room. I'm young, only 17 but I'm crushed. :( are there any other reasons why you can bleed during pregnancy?


  • There are many reasons hun, just try to stay positive. I know its hard but you need to try. Keep us updated. Praying for you and baby!
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  • Yes there are reasons that u may bleed during pregnancy...I hope everything is ok. Praying for you and your little one!
  • Yeah, there are lots of reasons, so don't panic yet. I hope your dr has good news.
  • I'm trying to stay positive. I'm being distracted by mtv right now. I'm 12 weeks 5 days. I'm sorry for all you others who have gone through this. They're worried though because of how much I've been bleeding :( but we just have to continue to wait for the doctor to come in and see what he says. Thank you for the support I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  • I just found this post. And yes just stay positive, its the best thing you can do right now. Stay calm and relax. Praying for you!
  • Dont worry hun, I started HEAVILY bleeding at 13 weeks, like literally gushing blood and baby was ok, it was a hemmorage. Try not to stress.
  • Sending prayers your way. Please update us when you can. Hope it's good news! [-O<
  • Well I'm finally home from the er!! I got the most shocking news though. I have what they call a molar pregnancy. Which isn't a pregnancy at all. It's very rare and happens when an egg is actually a tumor that attaches in the placenta and gives off the same hormone as a pregnancy which is why the tests came back positive and I stopped having a baby. Physically my body thought I was pregnant but there's not a baby inside me. As of right now the tumor is the good kind but if we let it continue it will turn into cancer. So tomorrow I have to see a specialist and confirm the diagnoses and if its right pick a date for surgery to remove the tumor. Have any of you heard of a moral pregnancy before? I didn't know there was such a thing! Thank you for keeping me in your prayers I'm doing fine :)

    -and my mom was with me the whole time and my boyfriend came after we found out what was wrong.
  • I guess that's good if it what you want but I am glad you are ok!
  • Well a molar pregnancy does have the potential to get dangerous but you should be ok, you'll need a D&C to "clean" your uterus out to make sure all the abnormal cells are gone. Good Luck hon
  • Im glad you are doing ok.. Get some rest!
  • It's unreal for the past 3 months I've been thinking and acting pregnant but finding out I'm really not! I'm sad but everything happens for a reason. I'll be doing a lot of resting for a few days! I've been bleeding for 12 mobth
  • @xxtorr
    Praying for you to heal. It's hard no matter what type of pregnancy it is. Best wishes to you!
  • - I meant 12 hours I don't know what I was typing haha.
    But big thanks to everybody! It means soo much!
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