The waiting game

edited February 2011 in Trying to conceive
Anybody else waiting 2 find our if theyre prego or nt next week? My af is scheduled 4 the 19th


  • Mine's the 16th. I hate waiting. I over-analyze everything! I get my hopes up each cycle thinking I have to be this time and I haven't got that BFP yet. Hopefully this time though! Good luck to you!
  • Mine is either the 17-19th...good luck 2 u 2...way r ur symptoms & how long have u been ttc?
  • Yup that's me too. Last month I got mine on the if I don't get it by that time then I should test. I've had everything from nausea and fatigue to excess saliva and blurred vision and bloating. It's crazy my body feels like in over drive mode.. I also experienced what I truly believe is implantation spotting . I just can't wait to test. But for now I'm taking it as a weird period. Just so I don't get my hopes up :) lol good luck ladies.
  • Lol. Cool. Keep me posted ladies. & good luck 2 u as well..hope wer both get that bfp next weekend :)
  • AF is supposed to visit me on the 15th. I have been cramping, nausiated and moody for about a week now. I took a test yesterday and got a bfN...of course. I am trying to think positively and pray that this is our time for a little miracle. Good luck ladies! Hoping the best for you! :)
  • Aunt Flo can be a meanie and take a late flight. That's what happened to me. :( Well I wish all of you a BFFP.
  • I'm waiting but I have no idea when to test :/ it will be 6-9 since concieving if I was
  • I'm still too scared to test and I'm 6 days late!
  • @all the ladies hope we all get that bfp...keep me posted. No sign yet that af is comin. Boobs r still sore @ the side & I feel soooo tired & always hungry ugh!
  • Gl too all and just personal experience it took two missed periods to get my positive hpt
  • @rissalee7....ugh rly? Hopefully its quick & 2 da point 4 me lol
  • Lol I hope so to the wait was excruciating especially since I had all the symptoms
  • Yea I know what u mean. I have no period or pms symptoms. All feel like pregnancy ones
  • I had random during the day sickness tired boobs hurt but kept getting negative results
  • Yea a womans body is really interesting lol
  • edited February 2011
    I got my BFP on Saturday the 12th! Good luck ladies! :-D
  • For anyone who has followed any of my postings.......bc I was on chlomid I actually had to go back & refigure my days! uhhh...I tested too early! I am still feeling fatigue, nausea, cravings for ketchup, cravings for choc soymilk, restless sleep, slight heartburn, moody/emotional. @bananaspliff I experience blurred vision, excess saliva, & boating, so I thought that was just me, oh thank goodness I'm not alone! @mrsburke10 Congrats! @all My bestie knew she was prego w/in 2 days of conceiving w/ her first & about 5 days w/ her 2nd ;) Good luck to everyone and a ton of baby dust *******************
  • Thnxs im testing this wk'end. Bby dust 2 u as well
  • Ok ladies how's it going????
  • its going ok. Hbu? I'm still waiting 2 test.
  • Still waiting to test again :( same symptoms!
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