NEW to This.. im having twins.. is on here pregnant with twins?!!

Hello!! New to this.. looking to meet some friendly mothers!


  • Hello and welcome! I'm having twins, due Sept 23. When are you due?
  • Boy/girl twins due July 12th!
  • Aww. I'm so excited to see others having twins. I'm super nervous and overwhelmed at times. I'm due october 13th! How do yall feel about it?
  • Due September 27th with 2 girls!! I'm feeling ok about having 2 :) hubby is super excited! Its gonna be expensive but our families are very supportive and we wont know what its like to care for just 1! I'm hoping we take to it ok with managing 2 babies :)
  • @mrsstanley_x2 -- thats my birthday !(:
  • I completely agree!!! I feel really blessed.. its not everyday that someone has twins! My hubby is excited soo his positivity keeps me sane lol
  • edited May 2011
    Im pregnant with twins due sometime next month... mo/di girls... :) :)
  • I'm looking forward to meeting my girls! I'm the first person on my moms side to have twins in as far back in the fam tree, as my gmom knows. My hubby is a fraternal twin w a brother and my dad is a fraternal twin w a sister. My girls are identical though!
  • Awww. That's precious.. Congratulations!!
  • Congrats ! Super excited !
  • @mommyof4girls, when did u find out they were identical? My ultrasound tech says we wont be able to tell till birth?? She said there's either one placenta or 2 that are overlapping :-/
  • Thank you! I can't wait to not be in pain anymore! I just keep telling myself 3-5 weeks!
  • @Spray85
    I found out at 11 weeks. I hate saying this but a good u/s tech can tell at any point. Its actually very important to know early on. There are a lot of things that correlate w whether they are identical or fraternal! It also means the difference between good pre-natal care with a correct diagnosis. It's actually harder to tell at birth. Sometimes I seriously wonder at how people get and keep medical jobs. Sorry, I know a good amount about zygosity and the complications that come with the types. If you have questions feel free to ask.
  • i dont have an u/s til monday but twins run every generation on both sides of our families and we were both twins too! so i cant wait to find out on monday if we will be having twins!

  • Thanks :) they told us they had separate sacs...but I dunno, it'd be nice to tell!
  • Congratulations! That is very exciting. I am due July 27th with mo/di boys. We are extatic! The closer it gets the more excited I feel.
  • @my4boys
    You're the first person besides my mil to that Ive seem w more than 3 boys. She had 6.
  • @spray85, what the ultrasound tech told you can be true. It is not always possible to tell via ultrasound if their is one or two placentas. Usually in a very early ultrasound it is easier to tell, but the further along you are the more difficult it becomes to distinguish between a fused placenta and a shared placenta. Mommyof4girls is right about it being important to monitor twins that could share a placenta, I'm sure your doctors will keep a close eye on you. You are lucky, lots of ultrasounds in your future! I found out mine were possibly identical at 10 weeks, and for sure that they were at 26 weeks because of a complication that only occurs in ID twins. Modern medicine is amazing, try to enjoy your pregnancy!
  • @ mommyof4girls, we will have 6 soon! Can't wait to meet them, and to not be pregnant anymore lol. Boys are a blast, my hubby really wants a girl but unless he can grow his own he is out of luck. I am done!
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