morning sickness randomly?

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
I am 8 weeks and 6 days! Yay farthest I have gotten so far. I really have not had any morning sickness. I had one day of it. Randomly today everything is making me sick. Anyone else experience this?


  • I would get morning sickness at 11 am & 7 pm
  • I'm on my second pregnancy and with this one I didn't get sick till about 7 weeks then it was off and on. I still will get sick sometimes and I'm 28 weeks now. Its fine and just remember it sucks being sick but its also a sign of a healthy placenta :)
  • Yes. True. I was hardly able to eat anything today which for me is extremely rare.
  • I stopped getting nauseous about 8 weeks and suddenly in the past couple of days it is back, I'm at 12w3d now... Dr appointment Friday so we will see if anything has changed.
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