Am i going to be in this fatigue stage forever?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
It seems like now all I want to do is sleep. Will that eventually go away during the pregnancy?


  • I've been in ur forever 30 wks and it still hasn't gone away :(
  • In it*
  • I was only in it for about the 1st trimester then it passed. It was so bad, I quit my job bc I was so tired all the time! It'll pass girl! Don't worry!
  • Omg that's crazy! I'm just so tired and I work at a resturant so at times its not very helpful! I hope it doesn't effort me that much this Fall when I attempt to go to Law school
  • Im 17 weeks and wanna sleep all day too
  • Thanks @lindsay_kay89 i really hope so because theres times i dont want to get up for work lol! @MommyAgain I'm only 2 weeks to my knowledge so I'm assuming I have a pretty long way to go lol
  • Oh yeah! Lol u really have a while to go.
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