Need advice!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hi all.. Im 19 almost 20 & 17 weeks pregnant. This is my first pregnancy and it was not planned. Im in college and live on my own and im really scared to tell my parents. Everytime I plan to do it I flake! But I need it asap because I am getting bigger. Does anyone have any advice for me? :)


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  • You just need to bite the bullet and do it! Take a deep breath and just say it! You will feel much better afterwards I promise! They are your parents they will still love you...and your little one. Since you are in college it might also help if you went to them with a plan as to how you are going to continue with college after the baby is born...that should help some of their fears! Good Luck!
  • I'm 23 years old and getting my masters in college but I have a house mate. Well I started with the parent I'm closer to. Then we went to the other parent that would be the meany. It went very well and they have been very supportive. It's scary but they want what's best for you and will have your back. Congrats and don't worry.
  • I'm 19 n 18 weeks n college also I was on my own but decided I would need that motherly help n to save money for baby I told my sister first n she relayed it to my parents suprisngly they were happy as ever good luck I think yu should go ahead n tell cnt hold it forever
  • Do u have an ultrasound picture yet? If u do i would get a valentines day card sayin how much u love em and they good parents and sweet stuff and put the picture in it say congrats grandma and grandpa! If u dont then get like a pair of baby socks or booties or put a pacifier on a ribbon and put 'a first keepsake for grandbaby'... something sweet u know? Plus it'll make it easier for u because the initial "I'm pregnant!" Doesn't have to come out your mouth. I'm 19 also 20 in april and I'm 24 weeks with my first boy i know how tough it can be to be so young and trying to get everything in your life ready for baby I'm here all night and whenevet if u need to talk :)
  • Thanks everyone! You all really helped me :) I know I need to do it & im going to do it!
  • I'm 16 nd 8 weeks 2dayy ma big sis actually told ma mom but I think she is adjusting 2 iid now
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