bad luck

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Does anyone else think its bad luck to buy anything for the baby when your in the first trimester but after the first trimester then you can buy stuff. Do people believe in that or is it only my mother in law who believes in it?


  • I've personally never heard of that superstition, but there are lots of 'em out there when it comes to babies & pregnancy. I bought a blanket, a cool-looking sippy cup, & a onesie in my first trimester. So far, I'm at five months, & so good! :)
  • my last pregnancy my dad bought me a pair of baby shoes and I had a miscarriage and I'm pregnant again and in my first trimester and got a onesie. But I don't think my dad buying me shoes had anything to do with my miscarriage
  • lol everyone has their thing, I've got things for all of my kids as soon as I found out. I think it has to do with your chance for miscarage going down drasticly at 14 or 16 weeks..
  • I am certain it didn't. I was pregnant twice before this one, & both ended in miscarriage: one at 7 weeks, the other at 5 weeks. I wish you the BEST! If you're like me, than the fear of losing another hangs over your thoughts constantly. Stay strong! Don't give up, & do your best to think positive. And congratulations! :D
  • Thank youu good luck to you too. I think it all just depends but I don't think buying stuff automaticly means your gunna miscarry cuz you bought it too soon. I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriages and hope it won't happen to you again. I wish stuff like that didn't happen.I feel like this baby is going to go full term last pregnancy I had a gut feeling I was going to miscary and this pregnancy I worry about it happening but I don't have that gut feeling its going to happen. I just try and think positive.
  • My grandma is like that. She wont buy anything until after the baby is born. She said it had to do someone she knew who was pregnant went into her 8th month, had a babyshower and lost the baby. It has something to do with my mom losing my brother 21 years back. So since then she hasn't bought for anybodies baby until after its born.
  • Awee my mother in law just won't buy or give you stuff until your after 3 months idk why she believes in that. But I don't want to believe in it. But it kinda makes since
  • I don't see the problem with it. A lot older/elders feel that way. Will wait til the baby is born and get do many months.

    If you look at it, babies grow so fast so the most you can buy are onesies (sp?) and booties.
  • What's sp? Sorry. And yeahh they grow out of everything so fast but they have such cutee clothes for them
  • Spell Check, when you don't know if You spelled a word right.

    Yeah they have cute clothes, but some of the clothes people buy the baby sonetimes never gets to wear.
  • Ohh yeahh I'm not sure how its spelled either I spell it the same way.

    I'm probably gunna see what I get at my baby shower then buy more if I need more so I don't have a bunch of clothes going to waist and if I do I can always donate
  • edited February 2011
    Glad I'm not the only one.

    Yeah you could that or give the clothes to a friend in need.
  • Yeah we have a place here called a womens friend and ide probably donate to them because they have a lot of women go there who need stuff for their babies
  • My parents don't wanna buy anything til AFTER baby is here. We do a 1 month party. Instead of a baby shower, she would throw a baby celebration party afterwards. I guess its sort of like jinxing yourself. But I'm going to do a babyshower for my friends and a 1 month party for the grown UPS so everyone's happy.
  • I haven't heard of that. That's kind of a neat new tradition. I think baby showers were invented so mothers can have everything they need before there baby arrives. I like the month party thing I think that would be best also for people who want to be surprised of the sex of their baby so they don't find out until its born.
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