what do u think is the hardest thing about being pregnant

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I would have to say controlling my emotions and people telling me what I can and can't do


  • Controlling the hunger O.o om nom nom nom
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  • No alcohol. X(
  • definitely the raging hormones
    oh and i hate all the extra blood flow to my hooohah. you'd think it make it nicer but i get so sore after sex it makes me not want to do it EVER again lol.
  • I agree wit ppl telling me wat I can n cnt do ex. I'm due on Aug 2 n my family reunion is on the 6th n I wanna go I no its a five hr drive but I only get to see this side once every two years anyway my cuzzin gon tell me I'm stupid for wanting to go I'm like my baby not urs n I miss my family so much I really pissed me off. But OAN I miss my sex life too before I got preggers we were like bunnies now I jus suck it up so he does cheat altho I dnt think he will but I'm gonna make sure he doesn't
  • @Blueberrysmom ur so right I b needing a stiff drink from time to time n not being able to drink is really killing me
  • I'd say watching my babbydaddy 's body stay perfect, drinking, no side affects. Sleeps peacefully &&yet he gets the baby too ));
  • Feelingg Tired All The Timee ! :(
  • lol @BabyGIRLinJUNE true story!! and i can't hardly paint my toenails anymore either... my husband is getting good painting nails tho! lol
  • Shaving girlllll every time I shave the hair comes right back lol!!!! Feeling tired yesssss girl I walked up two flights of stairs I thought I was going to faint lol!!! I miss my sex like to I wonder what its going to be like when I get a bigger belly!!!
  • @momamar lol right! Im 34wks and it is so hard to shave my husband said he will help but ughhhhh I just dont know bout that one.... Been thinking bout going to get a wax lol
  • Sleeping on my stomach, being moody
  • Not being able to go to the bathroom!! And watching my body get a bunch of stretch marks ugh never want to wear a bikini again! And the last month having to go pee every 5 min lol
  • @black_butterfly I so agree about sleeping on my stomach I can't wait! I'm 39 weeks 2 day so hopefully ill be able to here soon
  • Morning sickness! {mine lasted 26 wks)
    Pickin shit off the ground once you have a basketball in ur tummy :)
    Evil step sons ;) theyre the worse (ur fat, ur pimply, ur always sleeping, can I have some of what ur eatin?)
  • @BabyGIRLinJUNE yeah my husband told me he would help me shave too but im afraid hes going to cut my lips off LOL
    and i don't have the guts to get anything waxed im a wuss!
  • So far I would say the constant heartburn, and having to rely on other.people to do things, I hate having to ask for help!
  • The fact that soon I wont be able to see my feet.... Or breath lol
  • Yeah I agree and sometimes it can get scary
  • Not being able to have a drink after work on fridays! And controlling my anger and not punching idiots in the face! Oh and sciatica sux too!
  • I think the worst thing for me is that my sex drive has completely vanished!
  • Something i am finding hard is all the girls on here that smoke or want abortions when there are those of us desperate to have a happy healthy baby.
  • Drinking.. Im sick and tired of hearing certain peoples opinion, i really cant stand sum people kids rite nah, I cant bend over and pick up things off the floor, and I cant sleep on my stomach or back..
  • Not being able to bend over to pick things up easily and the lack of energy
  • Not being able to ride my horse, ride atv's, bikes, play sports, outdoor stuff...
  • Uncontrollable weight gain I've never went over 125 now I'm 135 aNd feel terrible
  • I'm almost 38 weeks so I would say increasing braxton hicks is horrible right now..I can't get comfortable no matter how hard I try..not being able to sleep but that's going on a couple months..horrible back/hip pain..not being able to sit up from the lay down position by myself not being able to get off the couch alone or pick something up and get back up! Oh I could go on and on hopefully my baby girl comes soon :)
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