What are your views on masturbation? (lets keep it Rated PG 13 Plz lol)



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  • I love it .....but I get mad if hubby does it.....I can't stsnd him watching porn so he goes months without watching it den lies n said he didn't when he does after months lol..
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  • edited May 2011
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  • Since my husband knew I was pregnant,he Does not wanna have sex with me but I been having sex dreams and sometimes I feel like doing it When I'm in the shower. And girls!!! I though I was the only one... I feel good now!!!
  • I'm absolutely so jealous of all you ladies who have men that will perform oral... my husband has seriously only done it TWICE in the past year. and he wonders why I have to masturbate. smh!
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  • @praying4our3rd you freak!! Lol Im a bit of a freak myself too and sometimes want him to use toys but he doesnt like it. My my issue with masturbation is me doing it to myself lol I rather he touch me or use the toys on me but hes like what I need a toy for if I got him :/ lol he performs oral on me all the time and I love doing it to him but alot of times I have a hard time getting "there"
    @richjen24 I feel your pain. When we first started having sex he was a bit boring and always did the same thing so I ended up having to have a talk with him cuz I felt bad having to fake it all the time
  • @AandK1031 that must have been horrible finding out. My dad was always very secretive and I never knew until I noticed a bit of a difference in my moms attitude towards him. They are both born again christians so my mom was very hurt at the fact that he fell into tempation so easily. They went to therapy to save their marriage. My dad is a great man and he uses that as his testimony
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  • i only do it when we're playing around r phone sex, since we dont live together. and he wont buy me a toy =[ jerk
    @richjen24 i feel so sorry for you. mine didnt perform oral before me but now he loves it =P~
  • @praying4our3rd lol atleast he makes with up with the oral lol the other night he was like "oh good I hope im not licking the babys foot or something" lmaooo hes a goof.
  • edited May 2011
    @praying4our3rd it doesn't bother you or your guy at all for him to do oral while your pregnant??? HOW did you convince him to???? I need advice! I'm going on like a year of a dry spell from a good orgasm from him.
  • @praying4our3rd well it doesn't make a difference at all to me... before I got pregnant he never did oral anyway, and now that I'm pregnant he hasn't even tried. He doesn't really talk openly about sex like I do, so I just assume he doesn't like doing it. If he didn't before I got pregnant, he sure as heck won't now that I am. And I hate to ASK .. ya know? To me that's just a total turn off when you have to ask for something.. maybe I am childish I know, but I always have my B.O.B. :( it's just not the same!
  • @praying4our3rd .. YES.. I'm a very giving gal.. sometimes as soon as he even walks in from work I will attack him. I would think maybe that would be a clue for mutual giving.. but apparently not. I don't want to pressure him, if he is weirded out by the baby and all, but I can't help but have resentment towards him for not taking care of me. His idea of sex, is JUST penetration... If someone is going the extra mile, it's me.. I am the one to do oral, or rub on his legs & chest and initiate foreplay. If he touches me, it's only for like 30 seconds.. (tops) It's really bad actually.
  • Maybe I should open up a new topic for discussion, and try and get some advice! I know this post is just about masturbation, but I guess if my husband would satisfy me, then I wouldn't ever have to masturbate! lol.. I'm afraid my girlie goods are going to forget what it feels like to be touched by anything but a motorized vibrator! lol.
  • @praying4our3rd I can't see him ever making a comment like that though... because all he really cares about is sex, he could live without the bj's. Besides I don't see him ever asking that.. because he KNOWS what my response would be.. lol. Even if he isn't comfortable with oral, I may understand I guess... but I wouldn't feel so obligated to complain if he was better with his hands... but he isn't. :( I know he thinks I am a freak because I use my vibrator so much... but I don't know what he expects! I would like to see him go longer than 2 or 3 days without anything!!
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  • To Robin From your Husband

    Communication- is key it's sad I have to read of your frustrations in an internet forum when all you had to do was ask to talk. By the way you left it up, I assumed this was your attempt to talk to me.
    If you don't like the way I touch you speak up, all it takes is a slight gesture 1 time to fix something. I can't read your thoughts and I'm not great with body language so your going to have to talk to me.
    Confidence - When you tell me our sex life sucks and that I'm clueless it does not instill a lot of confidence in me. Also I'm not comfortable with my appearance at all and it may sound girly or dumb but it does affect my sex drive. I know your in the mood 24/7 and it sounds selfish coming from me but I'm tired. I get up at 5:30 work all day come home watch Lily cook dinner and clean. The last thing on my mind at 10:00 is sex.
    You tell all these women on here how open you are and that's fine. You might be open with them or one of your past lovers but you have NEVER been able to talk to me.
    I understand your frustration. If you want oral don't make it a chore. You wonder why I never do it because it takes 20 minutes of fighting you to let me go down on you. I do enjoy it and I truly do like to pleasure you but you really take all the fun and romance out of it. You say I have only done it 3 times well how many times did you reject me for one reason or another. That goes back to confidence. Sex isn't that enjoyable for me lately either. Has nothing to do with the pregnancy but more so how much weight you put on it. God help me if I came before you it's a flat out verbal assault and ruins an entire week.
    Ladies I apologize for high jacking the forum and I hope I didn't offend anyone.
  • @robinlinlee83 nawww talk to your hubby :) sounds like everything will be resolved for yous both soon !

    i use to feel yuck when i started masterbating too but now it just normal lol hubby does it for me all the time lol
  • @robinlinlee83 nawww talk to your hubby :) sounds like everything will be resolved for yous both soon !

    i use to feel yuck when i started masterbating too but now it just normal lol hubby does it for me all the time lol
  • woops sorry bout the triple post
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  • i think its healthy my mom always told me it wa normal but something we do in privite.. i statex much earlie than u and do it a few times a week.. i would much rather my man doing the work but if the time is right it must be dealt with.. lol i have a 9 yr lil boy and i tell him the same thing.. i dont want him feeling bad for something we all do.. and i would much rather him do that then get a girl prgo at 14 or before he has his life together.. my son will know about protecting himself and everthing.. still early to get the condoms out but ill know when.. by the things he says.. kids will do it regardless so i know they must be educated
  • @robinlinlee83 wow that was very nice of your husband. I think you guys should have an open conversation to solve your issues. :) I hope all works well and you both get what you need.
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