Some of yall pregly's really b tripping

Y do some ppl place so much signficance on what other pregly's think? No one on here is in ur situation so y do some of yall care so much...just curious.... we all have our pregly days but there r ways to avoid drama by not posting in those discussions or even checking them. Everyone isn't gonna like u that's the WORLD. Everyone is not going to comment on ur threads it's just like that sometimes so y get so upset? Just forget people's opinions or attitudes because it's not changing anything in ur life. Not trying to bash or start a negative discussion..... I'm just saying don't but so much stock into a website


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  • Completely agree. It's not worth anybodys time or energy to pout because someone on the net disagrees or doesn't comment on your post lol.
  • True true
  • I agree I got upset once over a discussion and realized it was dumb what I say has no affect on another persons daily life and vice's just easier not to care I love pregly it's informative and sometimes very entertaining
  • Sorry I asked my question again did tht put me in the desperate category? :(
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  • Pregly is hilariously entertaining a good majority of the time. Some of the arguments are great, I just keep my mouth closed (or fingers away from the keyboard lol) kick back and thumb through the shenanegans! I've learned that more than likely no matter how much you try to prove your point on here, the person you are arguing with is NOT going to sway their decision or change their mind so you're just wasting time. Sometimes though I feel strongly about something so I voice my opinion without trying to offend anyone or cause conflict.
  • edited May 2011
    @seifer12211 no I wasn't referring to u or anyone else in particular I just see a lot of complaints about the app and think if everyone didn't care so much it would b a lot easier every category is repeated if u think about it u can't help that everyone logs on or joins at different times so they might not have seen it
  • I agree with that sorry seen ur post right after and was like mannnn lol cuz I see that happen too
  • @bke913 I completely agree with you. And I do the same thing.
  • no not a personal attack at anyone or their post...I'm just saying
  • I love pregly drama. It's entertaining to read people argue on the internet! I usually don't comment on the drama threads, I just read them. There have been soooo many crazy people, trolls, fakers, etc and I think it just kind of keeps things interesting.
  • Thats y I dont comment on any its pointless but I do read them n laugh.
  • When r people going to realize that's its threads like this that starts drama to begin with. Jus sayin.......
  • I agree I had a few psychos on here myself that got all butthurt over something that wasn't even said the way they spun it. I ended up laughing while I was typing them back and forth, it was so pathetic & hilarious to me. Chill preglys, chill ;)
  • I am obssessive over salt n vinegar chips! !!!
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