Progress of becoming a daddy isnt looking to good

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
so ive still yet to understand how these "hormones" on a girl really make me feel like shit so often i wish i got the time to understand it but im trying so hard to just put her false judgements behind me or her anger issues whatever due to her pregancy and try and be calm but she gets really extreme and its hard to do it! so im looking on more advice on how i can relax myself when my beautiful girlfriend is clawing at me for every little thing i do she is 5 weeks and yeh i feel i cant do the best for her because i start to rage and get more hormores swinging than her i heard that if its a first pregancy and it is the guy can have the same hormonal issues because im learning it off her cause hers always happen? or something like that but i really need your help i fear im losing her


  • It'll be fine hun. To tell you the truth tryi g to stay calm is the best you can do. My husband gets wiplash from my mood swings. A few tips, don't ever say you understand or you get how she feels that will drive a pregnang women crazy lol. Be sweet to her and when she does push you away when you want to hold and kiss her, it isn't because she doesn't want you to show her affection its probably just because she doesn't feel gooxd. . I hurt my husband a lot due to my asickness. Believe it or not men really can't do too much to make us feel better, but to put up qwith our crap. . Sounds like goure soing good though aa lot ofalo
  • edited February 2011
  • A lot of guys give up caus they think their women is loca lol. Oh and one more thing youee not loseing her, she's just pregnant sweetie, when he's farther along things should get better they did for my husband and I. Just don't push back when you feel like he pushing you away, she isn't tdying to. Best of luck, keep me updated. Ps firsf trimester is always the worst. Unfortunitely.
  • Communication & trust are the two most important things in any relationship, & this becomes especially true during pregnancy. If there are trust issues between you two, talk them out & get them worked out now, before they explode into bigger issues months from now. Her hormones are going nuts, & I've heard the daddy can experience sympathy symptoms, too. Plus this is a scary time; pregnancy changes everything for a couple & is a heavy responsibility. You've both got SO much going on, biologically & emotionally, but there's never gonna be a time you NEED each other more than now.

    If she's fighting in an extreme way that just sets your anger off, maybe try saying, "I love you, but let's take a break & calm down. Let's talk this out when we are both level-headed, cause we aren't doing each other any good right now." Then, maybe take a walk or just be in separate rooms for a bit. Take a deep breath & try again.

    I wish you the best of luck. It seems you really do love each other, & that's all you need to overcome these issues. Focus on the love you feel, the beautiful life growing inside her, & communicate...always. Just do so calmly & keep things level & balanced. You should both start to see some relief in her second trimester. Don't give up!!
  • Maybe yoi should try catering to her request and all the things that make her upset, make an extra conscious effort not to do them.because the smallestest things can set a pregnant women off. For me: its tupac, and nicki minaj, crime shows, certain smells,certain people, and high emotional situations. My significant other has an issueadjusting to my midnight cravings and the fact he has toget up out his bed to feed me, and not my friends or mother. Understand thatshe is dealing with the brunt of the work right now, and needsyou to be there for her, almost likeshe is a newborn baby.remember thatthis time will determine howshedeals with you in the future, don't make things hard on yourself. 5 weeks, that's all. Youhavea long way to go, hang in there.
  • I get upset with him over everything. The sun could be in my eyes and some ho its his fault lol. I don't like when I don't have his attention and being pregnant has made me very needy. Sometimes I might be hot or cold and I get mad at him cause he can't fix it. Oh and a big one bein pregnant make it hard to get to aleep, so him I see him sleeping like a baby it angers me so bad and I can't even explain why lol. Just about everything is going to get her mad at you. Sorry boys it comes with having a baby I guess.
  • Well ur a great guy for obviously caring. This is my 4th pregnancy. Yes we can have crazzzy mood swings but honestly I don't c them coming and don't really realize I'm being unreasonable until after I've calmed thing that works for my husband is simply leaving me alone.or just going along with me until I come back to reality. Remind her ur there through the good bad and ugly. One fear she doesn't need is that ur going to leave.good luck
  • And not tomention, drinking and smoking and partying, and eating whatever he wantswith no reprecautions.... it angersme to see that. I want to drink, party, and eat whatever I want! I get mad athim because he canwalk faster than ican,lol. Its so silly,but thesethings are out of womens control.
  • Just like if i dnt touch her tummy or if i dont talk to her friends enough things like that turn into we are breaking up we break up everyday for 5 minutes and even though its not true still is horrible so yeh im reli lost
  • Some women turn into crazy, demanding little divas when pregnant. My cousin & her husband almost divorced over her mood swings & the hormones making her act crazy. But her hubby just stood by her side anyway & said, "We do this together & if you want a divorce after the baby comes, we'll figure it out from there." It worked, cause as soon as those hormones eased up, she saw how foolish she had been! They're still together now & having their second child.

    I've heard other guys say their women become like a whole different person when preggers - a stranger that they don't even recognize.

    When she throws a fit, just try to cater to her needs, try to understand that if she wasn't like this before pregnancy, this isn't her fault. It's nearly impossible to control. Patience, perseverance, communication, & simply waiting it out are the best medicines.
  • The first weeks(1trimester) is the HARDEST!! Us preggos feel like crap!! Our body is adjusting to everything new inside.. Be patient Buddy!!
  • Lol! You and my husband would get along great....I'm 6 weeks and my hormones are raging and in the mist of a tantrum I can say some hurtful things. And like you said this is our first so he gets just as moody!

    My advice is in the mist of the argument just grab her then hug and kiss her. Its very hard for us bc at this moment we feel misunderstood, scared, and insecure.
  • We r all looney when preggo!
  • I was pretty moody in my first trimester,which is the first three months. But the day I went into my second trimester its like I was never moody. Itll go away sooner or later. But we have A LOT of changes going on right now. We have a tiny human being growing inside us so its pretty hectic. Just try to bare with her, bring her home something shes been craving while your out and thatll be sure to put a smile on her face.
  • It will be ok just try doing everything u can for her!
  • You can't take what a woman says due to her hormones personally. We really cannot help it. I found I haven't had many mood swings but when I do the best thing my bf can do is listen, understand n try n make me feel better. The worst thing you can do is get mad at her. Men don't understand whatwe are going through which can be really hard on us women. Just hang in there and be supportive. Andi agree with the lady who said if you know something you do bugs her don't do it! Goodluck
  • Hang in there babe!! There's not much you can do, especially in the 1st trimester. It will get better!!!!
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