a little nervous (blood) please pray

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ok well hubby & I had sex last night nothing too rough (sry tmi). There was no blood last night. But this morning when I went to the bathroom the & wiped there was some blood. A little bright red but mostly just pink & my tummy is cramping. There is not enough blood to have running to ER thinking I'm having a mc but enough to make me a little nervous & want to watch & c if it gets worse. Just wanted to ask for prayers from u wonderful ladies.


  • How far r u
  • @nicksmommy I'm 12 wks 2day.
  • Hmmm.sounds normal but make sure u dnt bleed red or have cramps. You wil be on my prayer hun...good luck
  • @nicksmommy thank u very much I appreciate it.
  • If ur still cramping u should go to the ER, ASAP u cud still have a MC and not bleed a lot.
  • I understand I hadc the same thing happen I think I was 12 weeks too and now I am 28 weeks. It was just alittle like I was having an extremly light day of my period. I called the doctor because I did have sex that day and it scared me to death..I've had 2 mc. Dr's nurse said keep my feet up drink water and try to be calm. And spotting lightly is normal especially after intamacy with your spouse sometimes. Hope this brings you ease.
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