my son is almost 3 weeks old.
My son was due april 25th however he had his own plans..they knew he was big so they set me up for a weight check u/s. Well my appt was for the 18th and he came on the 17th. I started having contractions 11am and was to the hospital at 1 had my epidural 3 or 4. They put me on pitocin and we lost the babies heart rate so they took me off for a little while. They couldn't break my water due to him not dropping. They said he was floating. They tried pitocin one more time but the baby couldn't tolerate it we again lost his heart rate so they sent me for an emergency c section. Kaleb daniel was born weighing 9lb3oz at 1106pm. They found the problem was both his size and tge cord was wrapped around him 3 times. Once around his neck which had caused him ti break a blood vessel in his eye. He was perfectly healthy. We came home after 5 days in the hospital. He is now 9lb12oz and doing well.