September Mommies, do you know what you are having? If so what are you naming your baby?



  • 9/5 ... Aidan Michael
  • September 14th girl... Claudia Dee.... as of now it is my husbands grandmothers first name and my grandmothers middle name. I'm falling in love with Dawn though ugh!
  • Due September 27 with our first, a baby boy who will be named Mikale Randy ( I kno the middle name doesn't go but that's bds nickname and he had to put it in there) :X
  • Hi our first baby is due 20th Sept, little girl. Name at the moment is Seren Geri - Seren from serendipity as she was meant to be and Geri after my grandad who always knew I would have a baby even when hospital said I couldn't. X
  • Im having a boy, this is my first. Due sept 12th and name will either be ryder lee or noah lee
  • 9/10 little girl and McKinlee Kaye!
  • I am due 9/29 find out Monday
    if its a boy (which I really hope it is) his name is going to be Cayden Edward
    and igmf its a girl I'm torn between Samantha or Chelsea
  • Im due october 5th but they are thinking he may come late September. Its my first and its a boy. His name will be Carson Alan!
  • Due September 25th with my 2nd boy. His name isn't set in stone yet but maybe Eliseo Cyrus.
  • My due date just changed from September 23 to October 1st but having a girl. :) Lauren Ava.
  • Boy #3 is due 9/12 Jalen Cade.
  • Due Sept 23 with our First! Oliver Scott! Soooo excited!!
  • Sept 23 with my 1st, fiance second. Were having a surprise an have no names yet!
  • My 1st Sept, 5th its boy. I'm naming him Wyatt Jahleel.
  • Sept 30 dont know yet and my second, girl ( what im hoping for) Amara Raquel boy Kyron Amil
  • Im due sept 15th my baby boys name is going to be Zaydyn :X
  • I'm due September 24th with a baby boy and his name is going to be Vincent. :X
  • Due Sep. 4th its A Girl, our 1st Child naming her Alayiah Delores-Marie
  • We just found out yesterday a girl. Now our house is divided. I love Mallory Ann but he hates it. Or maybe Amelia Ann
  • 3rd boy
    Jorden laurence 9
    Harley ray 5
    Karsen Lee 18 weeks along ;)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Due on sep. 24th with our 4th child and we are having a girl. Not sure on the name yet, but can't wait to see my lil angel :)
  • 9/5 jayden xzaiver
  • Due sept. 26th with our first. Boy & not set in stone yet but Adan Alberto
  • I'm due sept. 18. 2nd baby. It's a boy, we are naming him Raleigh Eugene.
  • Due sept 26 wit a boy name is allen gregory taylor the 3rd
  • I'm due 9/9 with my second child its a GIRL I'm so excited her name is kaylah madison and I can't wait to meet her:))(
  • Just curious, but am I the only one who isn't telling the baby's name until it's born?
  • having a baby boy, sept 1st, naming him Santiago
  • I'm having a baby girl due sept 24, this is our first & we're naming her Rhileigh Brielle :-)
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