Check....Lets get it started!!!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Rasberry tea......check
Hubby for sex......check
Primose oil.......check
Pelvic tilts........check
Hot Bath.......check
Hard Work......I think cleaning carpets and changing breaks and rotars count.........check

Going from being dialated 3cm to 1 cm......bummer
Measuring 43 weeks at 39......bummer
Not being induce cause your cervix is so posterior they cant reach it.....bummer
Baby weighing 9 lbs at 38 weeks......bummer
Separated Pelvis.......bummer
Baby face up......bummer

Ready for this to be over......
lets get it started already!!!!


  • Lol love it!
  • Everything else is for mastercard? Sorry a bot sh*te couldnt resist i know how u feel hun i dnt think i can take it and it feels like it jus wont end!
  • @Jojo30 just went to dr yesterday, was suppose to be induced Tomorrow and all I got was an appt for Tuesday. I'm at the end of my rope, and all my family and friends are telling me I am going to end up having a c-section.....just had to make the best of it!
  • Well I've got 9 days left measuring a week bigger and this baby is face up too so you thread is right on the money for me. good luck for you next appt x
  • @hayz_baby only if mastercard worked for this, I have 3 of them!!!
  • you dont have to have a csec.. my mom pushed an 11lber i did a 9lber.. just hang in there girl.. you can do it your in the homestreatch.. just keep doing what your doing.. something has to happen.. lol
  • Jojo30@ ya, every night Im on my knees doing pelvic tilts trying to get her to flip, and you know what hubby says......" can you grab my medicine since your not in bed" ya its so much easier for me to get up off the floor than it is for you to get out of bed!
    what is your due date, mine is May15th!
  • @lae3 my 8'12" boys chest got stuck, and my 9lb baby girl fractured my pelvis with her 15 inch scares me!
  • :-< im sorry that sucks.. you have tiny hips? your hubby sounds like mine.. ughh
  • That's awesome (just your post i mean, not everything else)! Made me laugh! Good luck with everything!!
  • @ammasmama my dd is may 16th but it feels like a lifetime away. I want it now lol. I ve made a start on your list lol. Sex check. Walking check. I had some spicy food tonight but nothing else yet lol. Good luck with your next appt ;)
  • @lae3 they dont seem to think my hips are tiny. I have healthy babies 7'10" - 9'1".

    @jojo30 Spicy food wasnt on my list lol, I grew up in New Mexico and eat Mexican like 6 times a week. So I dont think its going to help me! Lol

    @praying4our3rd no my sons chest was 14 1/2 inches and my daughters head was 15 inches!
  • well alot of people have no problem, like you said you've had, pushing that size out.. that would seem like the probable issue but im not a dr. they would know more than i thats for sure.... i guess you will just have to leave it up to God.. he will get you through it..
  • your babies bones are really flexable.. thats why they have the four fontenells.. so it can squish through.. poor things. go through just as much labor as we do ... my first sons head was 38cm.. its possible.. hes had a big head .. lol
  • @praying4our3rd when babies are born their head have 4 separate plates along with the soft spots that let them squish to get out. But ya its possible, look back at your kids head size when they were born, you'll notice its bigger than 10 cm.

    @lea3 this whole pregnancy is Gods! I had a less than 1% chance of getting pregnant with my 1 yr old so we didnt use birth control and had her, so after her we used birth control and still got this one. So I take it as a blessing from God, not an accident or mistake, no baby is!
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