October Mommie's...

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
How are you feeling? I'm almost 17 weeks and still very exhausted and eating like a horse.


  • I eat like that too I still sometimes get nauseous
  • Yeah me too. If I drink to much water or whatever I'm drinking with my meal i throw up.
  • @chelseapie im still tired but never reaaly had a big appetite. Im 17 wks tomorrow and I gained 3 lbs so far.
  • I finally stoppe throwing up and food tastes normal to me again. Im 19 weeks on Monday
  • @carley I've gained 3 pounds too! I'm 17 weeks Monday.(: have you felt any movement?
  • Im 18 weeks and 3days......increase in appetite, boost of energy, and feeling so sexy!
  • I'm 16w tomorrow and I feel like crap. Pregnancy is definitely not for me. I'm still sick a lot, horrible headaches, body aches, and I'm tired of eating all the time. Lol. I'm so ready for October to be here.
  • @newmommy_navywife oh give me some of your feeling sexy cause I feel just plain ugly.
  • @carley

    yay for OCTOBER babies. do any of you lovely mommies know what youre having yet?
  • The first ultrasound at 14weeks she said she didn't see anything growing down there but that she wasn't sure.. so we have to wait until June 9th. All the other months have flown by but this one is dragging! Do you know yet?
  • @lstwoodsbaby i find out 2 days after my birthday!! May 31st. Ive taken intelligender and done the chinese gender chart and both say girl, but im not relying 100% on either.
  • @ChelseaPie - I don't plan on knowing the gender until I have the baby. I want it to be a surprise :)
  • @littlefae you have faaarr better paitence then i do. i couldnt wait.
  • I have better energy, never had much ms, appetite has increased, but I feel fat.
  • @jess510 i also feel fat, i have been small my whole entire life. Played basketball since i was ..7? so i was always in shape. and now i just feel all jelly like. UGH! thats why i feel so hidious and hate getting in front of a mirror or camara
  • @chelseapie that'll make for a wonderful birthday present! Do you want a girl or boy? I'm praying and crossing all fingers for a boy.
  • @1stwoodsbaby i want a girl so badly, and so does the my boyfriend.
  • I'm having the boy I begged for!!!! :)
  • @newmommy_navywife ohhh i hope i get what i want! lol
  • @chelseapie i do feel movement. Taps here and there. I was told I was having a girl but yesterdays ultrasound changed things. Its up in the air.
  • @carley ohhh i would be soooo pissed if they told me one thing and it changed. not so much if they said oh its a boy and it wasnt hahahaha. but really either way i will be happy as long as they are healthy i just really want a girl.
  • edited May 2011
    You will! I'm sending you the pink dust that I didn't want or need lol
  • @newmommy_navywife i need allll the pink dust as possible.
  • @ncoughlin08 how far are you momma?
  • i'm 15w5d! I find out the sexes of my twins on the 18th! I feel 100x better than I did my first trimester. im hoping for a boy and a girl :)
  • @2blessings awh twins! thats so speical. congrats on your two wonderful babies momma! are these your first?
  • 18 wks and still tired all the time. :) but puking has stopped. Now its just not knowing what I want to eat, ever :) YAY 10/11 babies!
  • @cicelia ohh i know what you mean. when we all go out to eat they always ask me where i want to go and im like .......idk?

    @ncoughlin08 ahh yay! thats exciting. im almost 17w
  • @ncoughlin08 yesss it is! so excited to experince this all. and have my wonderful baby in the end. is this your first?
  • @chelseapie thank you so much! congratulations to you also! Yes these are my first babies... i cant wait to meet them. Do you know what you are having yet??
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