need ur help

Ok so hear is my story my period was due on the 25 of this month I have been noticingam white odorless discharge here n there It feels like my period so I run to the bathroom n its just discharge I am 5 days late I took a test yesterday n it was negative but I took it when I really didn't have to pee only enough came out for the strip. Yesterday I noticed cramping in my lower left abdomen felt like period cramps but still nothing what are my chances of being pregnant. N when would be a good time to test n should I do it in the am please help me


  • Take another one in the morning. If you have any pregnancy hormones it will show a positive. Otherwise, your symptoms are probably related to your period coming. Good luck!
  • Symptoms could be from an infection take a test in morning if negative go to the doctor
  • Take another one first thing in the monring. It's best to do it with your first morning urine rather than waiting until the middle of the day or drinking lots of water to make yourself have to go to the bathroom. Good Luck!
  • Thank you everyone I was very concerned because last month I had a MC. I honestly didn't know till I talked to someone who had a MC its the worst feeling in the world but keeping my fingers crossed ill keep ya posted
  • Just a update... so I took like 4 tests all negative n still no period its been almost 2 weeks n nothing still having lower abdominal pain here n there n now heartburn like crazy. Its making me go crazy I have an appointment the 23rd for blood work n to get a test to see If its something else. It seems like I can be pregnant cause of the signs but I guess I have to wait any advice will be great
  • Sometimes, it takes awhile for it to show up on the pee tests. I've heard it not showing up until 8 wks for some people. Sucks that your appt isn't until the 23rd though.
  • I know it does I tried getting them to take me sooner. I been taking it as I am cause I'm a bartender n drink so I tell myself I could be pregnant keeping my fingers crossed
  • Of I am I would be 6 weeks
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