names sil facebook mc - long



  • My brother calls him Lee Lee and I hate it LOL
  • Om(gosh) thats hella rude and disrespectful. Im sorry but I would've knocked her ass out bcuz she knew what she was doing. Smh X( oh and I hope u have a happy healthy baby and her name is cute!
  • That is horrible! I wish she was more like my sisters and I - we worry about announcing our pregnancies because when one of us gets pregnant another one will get pregnant a couple of months later! We worry about stealing each others thunder and then it turns out we're all just as happy for each other as the rest of the family! Fortunately we have yet to deal with conflict on names. xD But you should be able to name your daughter whatever you want - it's not like you waited to hear what names she wanted to use and decided to use it to spite her.
  • @prettygirl thanks, I'm more annoyed that she hasn't said anything apology would be nice.

    @viviya aww that's sweet. She's my babys fathers sister in law so were not really close
  • @mommabee13 Oh yay! She sounds like a t#@% to me. XP I'm so sorry!
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