stabbin pain

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm due the 22nd of this month n I have been feeling a stabbing pain in my woohoo is that normal


  • Yeah cause the baby will be getting into the engaged position. But always check with the Dr if your concerned cause you need to be feeling as un-stressed as possible x
  • Thank u so much its my first pregnancy I kinda thought it was normal but it feels better to hear it from someone else thanks so much :o)

  • I had to laugh at Woohoo :) its normal, but I agree check with ur Dr. I had that with my last. Was so irritating. Id be fine then randomly get that pain down there like wtf?
  • Lol didn't want to be to vulgar lmao but that pain is nuts how can something like that be so normal :o) I have so much respect for pregos n what they go through I thought it would be easy until childbirth god was I wrong
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