I just went to the ER 2days ago for bleeding and cramping they said I was fine... Same thing is happened again I'm bleeding with slight cramping today should I go back to the ER???
I don't know how your insurance runs But on mine I always go to my l&d. They aren't as busy as the er and they are highly more specialized in pregnancy, never to down on er docs or anything. Plus Its seen as an office visit instead of an emergency visit so its significantly cheaper. as to cramping and bleeding I'm paranoid I personally always go in. They are there to help and even if its only a Doppler so I can hear the heart my stress goes down and that's the best for everyone
as to cramping and bleeding I'm paranoid I personally always go in. They are there to help and even if its only a Doppler so I can hear the heart my stress goes down and that's the best for everyone