My husband broke my heart a little....

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Our neice has been handicapped sine she was 1 years old.....she has never been mobil, doctors could never diagnose her because they don't know what she has.....basically she is tired now and we pretty much know this time next week she won't be with us anymore.......she is 9 years old and has endured so much in short time on earth.......that being said on Tuesday were supposed to find out what were having and I'm really husband said he doesn't know he will be able to be excited.....I know a lot is going on right now but I guess I'm looking at the situation as our neice won't be suffering anymore and its ok to be sad.....but you should be able to find some happiness in knowing you're going to find out if were having a boy or a girl......that is a happy occasion I mean it should at least put a smile on his face even if it is just for a I wrong?


  • I think he will surprise you!! He is probably overwhelmed with the saddness, but once he sees his peanut on the ultrasound, I bet he will be over- joyed!! And, Im truely sorry for everything your family is going through..
  • edited May 2011
    I'm really, really sorry to hear about your niece. That is heartbreaking. I think everyone handles grief differently and he isn't right or wrong, just different. It will be sad if the situation with your niece takes the joy out of the ultrasound for him but don't let it affect your feelings. You should just feel how you feel and so should he. Even if he feels emotionally distant from it right now I'm sure he will come around when he is through grieving. It is sad but I'm glad you are still able to see the joy in your own miracle!
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