5 weeks?

edited February 2011 in First Trimester
Is there anyone else who's 5 almost 6 weeks that I can compare symptoms with


  • I feel like crap
  • I just turned 6 weeks.
  • Well at this point I've got the semi nauseous short of breath thing going on
  • I turn 6 weeks tomorrow
  • How is everyone else feelin
  • I'm always hot.....only get nauseous when I get hungry, very moody, cry at anything happy/sad, feel bloated, but very excited.
  • Omg me 2 I thought about salad n it made me feel sick
  • Do u have any weird little feelins in your belly?
  • Lol omg I crave nothing but meat and cheese, I'm constipated. its so annoying because I can't feel the baby so its like I'm going through this for nothing.
  • yyes I swear its the baby but ppl say its gas but I'm like I've had gas for 20 years and it never felt like this.
  • Lol my cravings is broccoli and I hate the stuff
  • It feels like weird little fluttering feelings to me n wen I try to suck in my gut I feel like I can't lol
  • SAME!!!!!!! I thought I was having multiples just bc I swear I feel something and my tummy is so pregnant.
  • Lol its good to know that I'm not alone this is me and my hubbys first so all these feelings are new
  • Same here! Me and my husband has never done this so everything is such a big deal to us
  • Mine is so excited he wants a lil girl
  • i crave pizza but wit mii first two it was subway weird
  • Pizza sounds so good :)
  • Yah I'm hoping and praying for a boy but my husband wants a girl.

    @kittykatdiva21 I've been eating pizza for the past 2 weeks, my husband says if we eat pizza again he is gonna vomit. LOL
  • Me too I want a lil boy sooo bad
  • Lol I got a feeling its a boy. I look HOT, crazy sex drive, no morning sickness, and my hair is growing like crazy. So fingers crossed.
  • Im 5 weeks 6 days and I was having morning sickness .. but it stopped after I stoped taking my prenatals while I was eating. :)
  • Lol uh oh...I feel lucky to be 6 almost 7 weeks and never had morning sickness.
  • Omg I feel them same way.. I'm 6 weeks and I swear the baby is moving.. my guy told me it was gas... smh I'm always hungry... I have heart burn and I'm constipated... and my sex drive is extra crazy we have sex all day ever day if I'm not at work...
  • Nae and newmommy I think we should stay in touch
  • i am 6 weeks and 3 days along...other than gaining weight and sore boobs i have no symptoms yet.
  • Hey girls!! Congrats on the pregnancies! !! Are you getting or have you had any type of feelings in your abdomen? I'm.still waiting for Flo.n a few days ago I had this weird ball like thing in my tummy n it felt like I pulled a muscle?!?! N.past 3 nights I've been getting super bad nausea n the.middle.of the.night!!!!
  • I'm 5 wks 2 days. I feel pretty good. This is my third baby and I think it's a boy because he's being so much nicer to me than when I was pregnant with my daughters. With my daughters I was sick and looked tired...this one....feel great and I've been looking well rested.
  • Msmella yea we should! :)
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