what are early signs of labor...?

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
Im now 38 wks but awhile ago i started getting that sharp ache/pain on the left side of my vagina lip and it was hurting on the inside as well which was a first but its only the left side....and i have a pain in my lower back on the left side...i feel like this is gang related lol why just the left side!


  • Lower bach pain is a sign of labor... the only way to be sure is by timing your contractions.. usually a tightening of your stomach.. if you think your in labor... cause its different I would call your obgyn... or go straight to the e.r...it could also be braxton hicks but its better to go in just to be sure...
  • Baby could be pressing on a nerve connected to the left. Call dr. Are you contracting?
  • No contractions just the achyness
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