
edited May 2011 in Trying to conceive
OKk so its getting closer the only one symptom besides really tired n wanting to eat all the time is my bbs are starting to feel heavy not sore tho. :/ I got some slight cramping in my lower tummy but it cud all usually be unwanted af :/


  • Have you tested yet?
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  • days past ovulation :)
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  • NO I havent testEd yet I want too bt I have tO wait it out! :) this morning I woke up to use the restroom n wen I wipEd alot of cm was there but yellow w no smell (sry if tmi) yellow?? idk wat that was
  • I'm 11dpo and haven't tested yet...I'm afraid i'll get a negative. I haven't really had many symptoms either...all the ones that could be af or preggers. :/
  • @val ugh the waiting is killing me too! i don't know if i'm having symptoms or just waiting for af like usual... HATE IT!
  • @mrsrocketfield1221-wen u planning tO test?
  • I am hoping to test on friday....hopefully.
  • I tested 11dpo and usually got a faint positive... so those waiting you could possible try the pt.. baby dust to you and hope you get pregnant!!
  • @VAL well BC of my dumb long cycles and how they're never the same I could test Thursday or Friday... but who knows if that's too early or not?!?! I Just want a dang bfp already! But am nervous I wont :( ahhhh!!! Hahaha I'm kind of having the same as u on and off and I really don't want it to be af this month!! X( with everything going on, we could use some happy!!! 8-| wishin you lotsa luck & baby dust girl!!! Hoping we got this!
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