How long are you planning to work and what do you do?hours?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm just wondering how long everyone is planning to work up until. What do you do for work and what are your hours? Im a nanny for 2 kids ages 3 and 5 and I work 730 to 630 MTW thurs off and 9-3 friday. I'm trying too work long as possible but I'm due july 22 and the family doesn't have AC!


  • Yeah I'm trying to work as long as I can. I'm a hairdresser on my feet all day very busy. I work M.T. Off wed. T.F.S. Off sun. From 10: 30 _6: 30
  • I am a teacher and I plan on working up until the day/minute I go into labor.
  • Im a nurse/nutritionist and my job is 1 1/2 hours from my house. I stopped going into the office about a month ago. The drive, the hours and the long days on my feet were wearing me out.. Now, im working about 20 hours a week from home doing the office billing.. Atleast it is something... :)
  • I am a medical assistant at a doctors office, my hours are 7 am until I finish (usually 6pm). I hope to work until I go into labor.
  • I work from 8 am-4 or 5 pm depending on if I have class that day or not. My days aren't usually over until 7 though because of school. I will be working until baby decides to come.
  • I am an engineer and work 44hrs a week , I plan to work till last day as long as health permits
  • Im planning on working as long as I possibly can im due august a hairdresser and on my feet all day. I work T 1-9 W 10-6 Th1-9 F 9-5 S 8-4...hoping swelling doesn't get too much worse but worried with summer coming!
  • I plan on working til the day of. I work m-f 8-430. And I'm a held biller for a home infusion company. I'm sitting most if the day so I should be able to
  • I run a home daycare hours of 630am till 530pm m-f....I will continue to work until my scheduled c-section and then take a week off and back to work the next. My hubby will adjust his hours to work evenings so he can be home to help with our daycare kiddos. We will have kids ages 3,2, & 5 most old twin boys plus our newborn. Our other 3 kids are school age. Praying it goes as planned;-)
  • I take care of developmentally disabled adults. About 35hrs a week. Im 35 wks and still working all my shifts. I hope im able to work till i "pop" hahah
  • edited May 2011
    My baby is due on the 11th Nov and I'm going on maternity leave on the 19th Oct I work 10 hour night shifts 5 days a week and I'm on my feet for them 10 hours so um going to be struggling towards the end I think
  • edited May 2011
    I run the business end of our construction company, and since nobody else knows how to, I wont get a day off! I will work up to the birth and right after she is born. But I dont mind to much at least I can do it all from home or hospital if needed.
  • I work for fedex as a driver so it'll be difficult to work up until the end but im gonna try! Im part time so its managable, for now. Its starting to become a chore just gettin in and out of my truck, but when pple see that im preggo they usually help! Im not due until september so the summer should be a long hot mess! We'll see!
  • I'm a juvenil dention officer I work nights from 10pm till 6 am tues thru sat I plan on trying to work up till my due date also due july22
  • Im not sure how long I want to work. I do home health care 4 days a week 9 hours a day. I like it but it stresses me out a lot. Especially cause my husband just started a new job and we only have one car. Our hours conflict.
  • edited May 2011
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  • I am a supervisor for a home improvement store and I work at least 40 hours a week. I plan on working right up til the end and then have 3 months off then back to work :(
  • Quit my job already because it was to dangerous for me during pregnancy. I worked with aggressive disabled students/ kids with autism.
  • I am a hairstylist as well, I worked until the week before I had my daughter, thats the plan! But I wouldn't mind not working too far into this pregnancy, hurts my back alot. 40 plus hours a week.
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  • @chevygirl @pregnantELF @augustbaby. I'm a hairstylist too!
    I work tue-fri 8 to 4 and Sat 9 to 3 or 4. Iplan on working until I can no longer fit up to the shampoo bowl or behind my chair. I fear that's coming soon I'm due aug 9 and I'm huge. I work with my aunt and she's tall so the shampoo bowl is a lil higher than normal so it hits my tummy funny
  • Im on unemployment ( oif vet ) and moving in a month to az.. ill be a full time student and switch to on-line classes maybe... I get paid to go to school. When my yr is over work!!!! So excited, unless I deploy again :/
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