some advice and hope needed

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant right now and had my first ultrasound on the 26th, so at six weeks. I just got my results yesterday, the fetal cardiac activity is very low, only 63 bpm :( and they said a follow-up is needed. I know the heartbeat is supposed to be much higher and I'm very worried about having a miscarriage. My doctor told me not to worry and that at six weeks its hard to tell if the baby has a heartbeat, and she scheduled my next ultrasound for Friday, its only Saturday though! Ugg. I keep telling myself that if it were that bad they would have scheduled it sooner or sent me to the hospital.
Some advice and hope would be amazing, I am trying so hard not to worry but it isn't easy...


  • Honey, the first time I was pregnant I lost my daughter. At 14 weeks. Its been.2 years now and I am a little over 36 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. In the beginning of this pregnancy I was spotting, so I expected the worst given the situation I went through last time. They told me the same thing they told you. Except they couldn't find ANY cardiac activity when I was 8 weeks. At 12 weeks there was finally activity. They drew blood and everything ended up being just fine! He is alive and kicking. I believe you will be just fine! :) Good luck!
  • My first ob appointment was at 9 weeks and there was NO heart beat but my ultrasound at 11weeks the heart was a pumping just fine. Don't worry you r still early! Best ofluck
  • Thank-you so much :) I feel like my baby actually has a chance now, I was starting to loose hope after all the scary things I've sister finally shut off the internet so I wouldn't stress about it, since I'm sure stress is the problem.
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  • Well I lost the baby...I had an ultrasound today, my doctor explained that the baby no longer has a heartbeat and that the ultrasound showed it at 6 weeks, 3 days...when I had the first one done the baby was already dying :(
  • So sorry hun. Ive been in your shoes and it sucks :(. Praying for you.
  • I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm praying for you. Be strong honey.
  • I go in to get it removed today :(
  • My first doc appt is at 8 weeks ( Feb 15) and they don't plan on doing anything besides family history and paperwork stuff. I was upset that I saw a lot of you having us and sonograms this early, I wanted one too!! But to tell you the truth, I'd rather wait than be worried bc they couldn't detect a heart beat. Good luck everyone!! XL
  • @ greeneyes....Sorry to hear that...God has a plan for you!!
  • I had a d and c loopy :( thank you everyone for everything<3
  • Bless you. Hope you're feeling better soon. Things happen for a reason. All will work out in the long run. Best wishes x
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