MIL "forgot" me on Mother's Day... again.

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ugh, I can't help but be both hurt & irritated; my MIL didn't even get me a card for Mother's Day, and I've been a mother for 3 years, plus have another due in July. And she is the kind of person who buys everyone cards & nice gifts for every occaision, even Halloween!
We went to dinner with the family the night before M's Day & we gave her a card from us, and all she did for me was send me a "Happy Mother's Day" text the next morning. Last year, she threw a fit because my husband wanted to spend the day with me & our daughter, and she didn't say anything to me until late in the evening, when she dropped by unannounced & gave me my "gift", which was a pair of earrings she said she'd bought for herself but didn't like, and a "Happy Mothers Day" Avon candle... with "1986" printed right on the front. It made no sense! And this year? Nothing! I can't help but feel like she doesn't even acknowledge me as a mother, and I am a stay-at-home mom who is a dedicated mother to my little girl & just as dedicated & in love with my husband of almost 5 years.
I can't help but feel frustrated & hurt by her lack of action; even just a card would have been nice.
Any thoughts??? Thanks!


  • She sounds similar to my mil. Only mine has her favorite daughter in laws. I'm not one of them. I don't know why women get like that once their boys get married. All I can say is that I respect you for your hard work as a mama and I know that you do a wonderful job, even if the mil doesn't acknowledge it. You are part of your own family now. I bet your husband and daughter love you so much and they're the ones who truly matter. So happy late mother's day from me!
  • She may just think you are taking away her son. My cousins fiances mom is the same way. I won't get into too much detail on that because out is the stupidest thing I have heard in a while. My best choice would be to ignore it. Take care if your family and just be civil. I know that it is probably really annoying but why start something.
  • It sounds like she is feeling neglected as a mom too (not saying she's in the right by any means!) Did you guys get her anything for Mothers Day? If you did, and she still acted like that, I'd see it as there's two scenarios you can attempt. One would be brush it off, after all, you aren't her mom, and if your babes recognize you, what else matters? Or you could attempt a talk with her, and say that her neglect hurts your feelings.
    I know its hard, especially when youre pregnant, and can take things to heart a bit more than you might normally.
    Good luck gorgeous! I hope you feel better soon. <3
  • I know how you feel and it sucks. My father in law never even texted or called me to wish me a Happy Mothers day and I am pregnant with his sons third child. He always calls his daughter and daughter in laws. Plus, I called my mom and she never answered and than she calls back at 11pm when she knows I go to bed early. Im about to say f them all.
  • We got her a card & went to dinner with them the night before to celebrate- their idea. We aren't financially in the position to do more than that, and she knows this. My husband also called & talked to her & wished her a Happy Mothers Day & they talked for about 1/2 an hour, which is rare for him because he's usually very busy with work & school. Her other son & his fiancee brought her coffee & breakfast, but for goodness sake, she's in her 50's & her kids are 28 & 29. She is one of those people who can't stand not being the center of attention & throws a fit when she doesn't get her way. I can't help but feel Mother's Day's is mostly for mothers with kids at home, who work hard every day to care for their families... I always have! I think it's always wonderful & respectful to acknowledge & do "something" nice for your parents, too, but I think it's rude of her to expect her grown son w/ his own family, to continue to put her first & leave me with nothing. My husband has to work on Sunday's, so we don't even get the whole day together anyway. He & our daughter took me to tea & then we went on a hospital tour of the new birthing center, lol, and that was all we had time for, so she has no reason to be overly jealous & rude.
  • I think its just especially hard for me this year, because my mother & I no longer have a relationship- I won't go into detail, but she has an illness that she refuses to get help for & decided she didn't want to be in our lives instead- and my MIL knows this, and that this was the first Mothers Day in my life that I haven't spoken to my mom. I felt like I was going to vomit all day, just from being upset about that. (Because of course I still love my mom- she's my mom!). My husband really wanted me to have a good day because he knows how hard its been for me.
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