Suck on hard candies, peppermint probably one of the best and clear carbonated soda. Also, I had gotten these candies at a maternity store called Preggie Pop Drops (they also have Preggie Pops) I don't know that they really worked but helped a little.
It seems the worst during the day but at night I'm starving. But no puking so far.... just nauseation. Ugh... lol. What about caffeine and nicotine withdrawal? Because coffee and cigarettes both make sick so I have pretty much quit ( good thing) but I'm worried withdrawal will have effect on the baby. Good thing I go to my first appointment today.
God me too except for mornings now that I'm prego I wake up at the crack of dawn and pee then after that I, can't go back to sleep because I feel sick its awful I always wake the bf poor guy haha but he's going to hav
*God me too except for mornings now that I'm prego I wake up at the crack of dawn and pee then after that I, can't go back to sleep because I feel sick its awful I always wake the bf poor guy haha but he's going to hav to live with it too haha I didn't make this bby myself when does the sicknesses usually go away? *