Had a doctors appointment yesterday and need some advice

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hello everyone =] well yesterday I had a doctors appointment and he used a doppler to listen to the heart beat but we couldn't hear it he said the sounds we were hearing were the baby moving and kicking me. I'm 14 weeks and 4 days is it normal not to hear the heart beat last time I heard it the heart rate was at 150. Any advice or oppions on this subject also should I be worried


  • I'm no Dr but I don't think the baby would be moving and kicking without a heartbeat
  • The baby could be positioned far back in your uterus. I'm pretty sure the doc would let you know if there was anything wrong, or set you up with another us soon. Good luck! Movement is a good thing!! Xo
  • I don't think you should be worried unless the Dr told u u need to worry...cause if youve heard the heart already and the baby's kicking the baby's heart must be working or he couldn't be kicking
  • @katlilly thanks =] I'm just always so nervous its my first and my doctor always changes on me and it makes me so nervous to ask question or I think they'll think I should know the answers..

    @jay_brad thanks =]
  • When I was 27 weeks I fell at work and had to go to the ER, where they couldn't locate my baby boys heart beat. But you could definitely hear him kicking the monitor on my belly, he's always hated people putting pressure on him, so I was released the same day. You don't always need a heartbeat to know your kidos in there cooking :) I wouldn't worry if I was you.
  • When I was 27 weeks I fell at work and had to go to the ER, where they couldn't locate my baby boys heart beat. But you could definitely hear him kicking the monitor on my belly, he's always hated people putting pressure on him, so I was released the same day. Yohu don't always need a heartbeat to know your kidos in there cooking :) I wouldn't worry if I was you.
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions, or get second opinions if you feel like your doc is brushing you off! And you can always call the office and speak to a nurse if you have more questions. I find the nurses more often are willing to take time to explain things to you.
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