Only one sex partner ...ever YIKES ADVICE !!!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am pregnant by my bf the only one that I have ever slept with.... Now weve been dating since 11/7/06....but he cheated when we were in like the 11th grade..... Now I haven't ben an angel..... But I never went as far as sexual contact with any one else... Now we are both in college.... N we r doing fine.... But I feel like im missing out on something sometimes..... But he is content I guess like he wants to get married and all but I say lets wait... am I being extra? Cuz I feel bad that he is all n head over heals n I'm jus 50%


  • Just forget the past!!
  • Honey let me assure it the grass isnt greener on the other side. I had a few relationships with other men before I met my fiance & to be honest I wish I would've saved myself for him. When you find a man who is willing to stick by you and build a life with you and is completely focused on your happiness there's no beating that. At the very least I think you owe it to yourself to give this a try. Just my
  • (cont) Opinion.....good luck!
  • I completely agree with MrsHudson10 you're not missing anything. Sometimes I wish I waited for my husband.
  • Honesty is key mama, tell him how your feeling and let him take away your doubts. A lover isn't complete unless he can be a friend to you too and respect how your feeling.
  • thanks ladies...... And he knows how I feel and he does everything n his power tu keep me happy...... But that is just something that stays in the back of my mind
  • I also agree with mrshudson10. My fiancee and I had an issue like yours when we first got together, but he's shown he loves me and is ready to provide for me and our son. Just put the past aside I know you won't forget bc I haven't but you don't want to carry the grudge.
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