Who else has their gender appt Monday?

edited May 2011 in September 2011
Omg! I know its only about 2 1/2 days away BUT I am toooo anxious I cant wait! Anyone else find out Monday?
What are you hoping for?


  • Mines Wednesday. I don't care as long as its healthy. I have a 13 year old already so it's like starting all over again
  • Lucky you, i have over a week to go. It's so frustrating lol x
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  • Oh the Monday and Tuesday are going to be the longest days at work!
  • I do, I do! Monday morning. I will be 17wks and 6days. I am so excited, I can't wait to find out. I really don't have a boy or girl preference. It is our first, so either way I am going to be a happy girl. :)
  • Monday @ 2:30 find out if this is our 3rd boy or our 1st girl. I don't care which I just want 2 know! :)
  • I find out Monday and I think I am going to go out of my mind. Really want a boy but if I have a girl I don't have to buy anything. Just want a healthy baby.
  • Mine is Thursday and its my first :)
  • Awesome! Well ladies who find out this week, goodluck & healthy baby dust all your ways! & the ones who find out today! Its your babies time to shine! Have a great day! P.s. I find out at 2:30 as well. Im going nuts!
  • Wednesday at 3 I'm so nervous and excited :) idc what it is as along as its healthy and strong I will be happy
  • Found out today at 10:30. ITS A GIRL :)
  • I found out monday may 9th at 1:45 its a boy
  • Aww congrats ladies!
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