for mommies who delivered before their due date.....

edited May 2011 in Birth Stories
Did u have any signs of labor starting or was it a sudden suprise? And how many weeks were u?


  • No signs both pregnancies my water broke! First one was a week before due date and 2nd was two weeks early!
  • 37 weeks and my water broke while I was sleeping! I hope this one goes the same lol.
  • My first was 2 1/2 weeks early,,, my water broke at 5 in the morning,,,,, hope I get lucky with this one
  • Man 37 weeks lol lucky!! I got induced two days before ny due date. It took here nurses to break my water lol. Then when I had her they told me that she was a few weeks late. ( I kept having contractions but they kept stopping them) ugh
  • My water broke at 37.5 weeks
  • I had a slight increase in shortness in breath... Went in to normal 38 n 39 wk checks and Dr said "ohh ur 5 cm already, you can head up to the hospital and we will just break your water" :)
  • I had some cramps the day of didn't think anything of it. delivered 1 wk 1 day early
  • 35 weeks in a routine check doctor broke my water when he was checking for centimeters he said sorry and send me home 5 hour latter i was 5 centimeters so no sorry value I'm in labor (stupid) lol
  • With my first I woke up with contractions and thought they were hicks so I walked around but they got worse was 2 wks early. With my second I was at work and lost my plug Polly 4ish, I didn't realize what it was and shrugged it off. Than later I went for a walk with my sister and after around 6 my water broke, was 3 wks early
  • My son was born on his due date but my sisters frost was born two weeks early her water broke during the night. Her second and third were both pulled at about 27 weeks cause of complications. They are 364 days apart in age
  • I had my daughter 11 days early. I went to my doc appt only to find out i was 5 almost 6 cm dialated. I had nooooo idea. My water never broke and i never lost my mucus plug or felt any pain.
  • How early can your baby be, and still be able to take them home w you, no nicu? Any one know? I dont think my son will be early, but im starting to believe the due date. Ftm
  • I believe 36 but I'm not 100% and depends how mommy and baby are doing
  • I was 3 weeks early, i had my son on the day of my baby shower so i missed it!! :/ I woke up that morning w/contractions, my water never broke on its own, and when i got to the hospital i was dialated 7cm! There was also about 2 ft of snow that morning too, talk about memorable! Lol
  • My son was 29 wks, no signs until the night I woke up went to tge bathroom and was bleeding. I felt fine, drove to hospital, found out it was placenta abruption, and they took him emergency csection
  • 39 weeks I had him. I went in bc I gad pupps rash and they found protein in my urine and high blood pressure so I had preeclampsia.. Was induced the next day then the next day I had an emergency c section.
  • My first I didn't realize anything.. lol.. I was 34 weeks and by the time my friend convinced me to go to the hospital I was 9cm and dialated... ended up having her 10 mins later with no pain meds or iv... my second I had bad back pain and it was 36 weeks ended up being breech and gettin a c section my 3rd I didn't realize my water broke and I went in and they induced me at 36 weeks.. all babies went home with me..
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